View Full Version : Hi everyone, new here and looking for a bit of solidarity/safety in numbers

27-03-12, 17:53

I'm Sarah, I'm 24 years old and have suffered from anxiety/depression since I was 9 years old. More recently I have realised that I am anxious first and depressed second. Very recently my anxiety has evolved into a social phobia, which I find utterly crippling. I have tried several SSRIs over the years and am now on 20mg fluoxetine per day, I've been taking them for 3 weeks so far. Before that I was on sertraline, and before that citalopram.

I have now reached a point where I feel absolutely unable to function. I have been off work for 80% of the last four months. I am not eligible for benefits and my boyfriend is a full time student so we cannot afford for me to be unemployed, or even off sick so obviously this is an extra pressure. I now want to resign from my job as the thought of EVER going back to it puts me on the verge of a panic attack. I struggle to leave the house alone, and really have to force myself to go out. Generally, I only go out if it's completely unavoidable. Over the years I have worked out ways of getting other people to bring what I need to me, be that through online ordering or whatever.

I will soon be seeing a new counsellor as referred by my GP, my first appointment with them is next week and I am feeling positive about it, if a little terrified. I have seen a counsellor before and a 'psychological wellbeing practitioner' with little/no success.

I have come here seeking understanding and solidarity. I have no immediate support network as my boyfriend struggles to understand what I'm going through and when we talk about my problems we just argue. My best friends are miles away so I can't just pop round for a cuppa, and they can't come to me for an intervention!

So, I think I'm looking for a virtual brew. And probably a hug.

Sorry for the waffle.

27-03-12, 17:55
Hi cometstail

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

27-03-12, 18:07
Hi Sarah and a big, warm :welcome:

I can't conjure up a virtual brew but here's a hug :bighug1:

Pip xxx

27-03-12, 18:09
Dear Cometstail,
Welcome!!!! we are all here for the same reasons and will be there for you. It is hard for anyone that does not suffer from anxiety to understand what we go through. I have got a lot of help from this site and hope you do too.

27-03-12, 18:10
Hey, I'm Tom and i'm new here too, been suffering with anxiety and depression as well recently which has left me struggling to cling on to what i would consider a "normal" life, i spend almost all my time in my house as when i'm out the anxiety takes over. I'm currently studying for a degree from home so it gives me an excuse not to go out which doesn't help. If you fancy a chat anytime feel free to PM me :)

27-03-12, 18:15
Thank you all for the lovely warm welcome :)

27-03-12, 21:37
Hi cometstail,
Welcome and sending big hugs to you:hugs:i know were you are coming from, ive suffered fron depression/anxiety since i was in my twenties and im now 47......ive had good times and really bad lows and since last august ive not been to good, i take 40mgs of prozac daily.....would love to chat anytime
Manda xx

27-03-12, 23:04
Hi Sarah,

It sounds really serious and I feel for you. Having reached the point whereby you can no longer cope with your job, not having benefits and no money either, you need help. Listen, insist that your GP refers you to a psychiatrist since only by going down this routre will you be taken seriously and then be able to qualify for benefits.

I wish you well and hope you find your way soon.

27-03-12, 23:35
Hi Sarah
Welcome, You are definately not alone on here :) Were all in the same boat! Ive also suffered since I was 9 and im 26 now!
If you need to talk anytime or a virtual hug, Feel free to send me a message!
Im pretty new to the site also
Adele xxx