View Full Version : question for a friend

29-06-06, 15:50
my friends little boy is a very sensitive and shy child. he sometimes finds school difficult. thing is when something has worried or upset him he starts throwing up. sometimes in school and often as my friend is trying to leave the house for school.

what advice could i give her? there is nothing physically wrong, she has checked that.

29-06-06, 16:42

I would have her talk to her son to see if something is going on at school that is upsetting him or that is trying to avoid, then have a talk with his teacher or teachers. It sounds like he needs to learn ways to deal with stress even at such a young age. If this continues he may need professional help.


"Our thoughts are our reality"

marie ross
29-06-06, 16:54
Hi Linny,

Poor wee lad. My heart really goes out to him, i hate to see children upset. I agree with Bel about talking to his teachers, or finding out if something is upsetting him at school. Maybe the teachers have seen this kind of thing and can advise your friend on what to do.

I really hope that he gets the help he needs.

Take care.

Marie XXX