View Full Version : Hi eveyone

29-06-06, 16:41
Hiya all

My name is Alison and i suffer from PTSD I have been diagnosed with it for 3 years and am trying to cope as best i can. I dont have any children and believe that i am unable too. This is due the severity of abuse i suffered when i was younger. I am 34 years old and suffer from panic attacks alot they have become a part of my everyday life. I dont take medication as i am too scared i will become addicted. I have come on here in the hope of finding some friend who experiance the same or similar feelings as me. I live in hope. xxxx:(

A Bennett

29-06-06, 16:46
Hi Alison and welcome to NMP. You will speak to lots of people here who have panic attacks, me included.
Hope you start to get better soon :D

Take care



marie ross
29-06-06, 16:57
Hi Alison,

Welcome i hope you find a lot of help here and good friends also.

I've been suffering from anxiety and panic attacks for over 2 years now, but recently they are seriously affecting my way of life, so now i am going to try and go on medication and see if they will help me live a bit better.

Take care.

Marie XXX

29-06-06, 16:57

Your post touched my heart, you sound at the end of your tether.
Well good news....you will find loads of friends here.
Welcome xx

Hay x

29-06-06, 17:13

Welcome to the site. Great support here.

I have had PTSD for 3 yrs now. Glad to have u on board. You can add me to ur msn if you like.

Take care,


emma chant
29-06-06, 19:31
HI Allison,
This web site is brilliant your make great friends with just the same
conditions as you.I suffer from anxiety.Your not alone.
Take care

e chant

29-06-06, 21:11
Hi Alison,

A very warm welcome to you.

Take Care



29-06-06, 21:22
Hi Alison and welcome. You will find lots of help and support here. i hope that you will feel better soon.

Take care

'This too will pass'

29-06-06, 22:15
hi and welcome

i hope you are getting all the information you need and i am sure you will get it here and all the support you need

emily xxx

if it looks like it works and feels like it works then it works!!!

polly daydream
29-06-06, 22:19
Hi Alison, welcome to the forum. Feel free to pm me if you want to talk.

Best wishes,


30-06-06, 07:10
Welcome to the forum Alison
Love Helen

30-06-06, 10:21
Hia Alison and welcome :D
sure you will find lots of help and advice on here and you are definately not on your own,theres loads of us here all going through the same sort of things..
take care cheryl xx

30-06-06, 18:22
Hi Alison

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here. Hope we can be of some help.

There are loads of great people on here and you will get all the support you need.

As for medication - most are non-additictive and you won't suffer any long term side effects.


30-06-06, 21:11
Hi Alison and welcome to the site :)
I'm know you will find alot of supportive people on here :)


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

Granny Primark
01-07-06, 06:16
Hi Alison,

I too suffer from panic attacks. They started last year and have changed my life completely
Like you i refuse medication because of the fear of addiction.
There are times when ive felt i was getting over p.a.s and then something happens that makes them re occur with avengence.
This site has really helped me. The support from the members on here has really touched my heart. Ive made friends that really do understand what we who suffer panic go through.
I know that you will find this site a godsend like i have.
Take care


01-07-06, 15:21

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

18-07-08, 13:47

I have only been on the site for a few days and have already had some great messages of support. So welcome and I hope you get the same support has I have. xxxxx

18-07-08, 15:25
Hi Alison,

Welcome to the site. Many here will understand how you are feeling and you will get support.

Take care,


19-07-08, 22:49
Hi Alison, I too suffer from PTSD due to being raped about 8 years ago. You can read my post if you like to give you some idea of things that went on in my life.


After a few years I started taking medications and I can honestley say that they help. Nothing will ever take away what has happend to you, but talking about it and finding the right medication makes it alot easier to cope and get on with your life. My view is that I will not let the people that hurt me ruin the rest of my life and you should try and do the same. Feel free to PM if you would like to talk.

:hugs: :hugs:

p.s. Im new too:)

20-07-08, 03:44
Hi Alison

Welcome to NMP :)

Jo xxxxx

20-07-08, 09:51
Hiya Alison :welcome: to nmp its lovely to have you here.
You will get lots of support/advice/reasurance and make some great friends along the way. You will also find there are lots of ppl on here who can relate to what you are going through so keep posting and we will help you as much as we can

take care


20-07-08, 14:09
Hello Alison And Welcome To The Site..i Wish Ya Well.......linda

21-07-08, 16:02
welcome to NMP hope to see you around sometime

Emma xxx

21-07-08, 17:47
Hi Alison

:welcome: to the site I am sure you will lots of good advise and support on here

Take care


milly jones
21-07-08, 19:32
hi alison

a warm welsh welcome lol

nmp is a great place to find trusted ppl who u can relate to

milly xxxx