View Full Version : clumsy since depression started

27-03-12, 22:58
I don't know whether it is linked but I have been falling over quite regularly since my anxiety and PND started 12 months ago. I recently fallen off a curb and really badly sprained my ankle to the point that I thought it was broken and went to A&E for xrays. I wondered if anyone else has experienced this or whether I'm just clumsy!

28-03-12, 07:44
Hi JoJoR
It is most likely linked to the anxiety....If you read some of the symptoms on this web site you'll see that our balance might be affected.... I used to be very unsteady on my feet and didn't leave home for about 5 weeks because I felt I could not stand upright for too long, there was ringing in my ear and feeling somewhat numb...after recovering I had to be mindfull of every step I took.
It does get better...nothing is stopping me now!!!!