View Full Version : Dizzy spell INSIDE head?

28-03-12, 07:47
I know anxiety can make you dizzy, but I experience strong 2 second dizzy spells in my head. They're like a jolt, and sometimes i can hear a buzzing, but i find it so hard to explain. All I know is they are 2 seconds of intense panic and sometimes they make me want to get up and run away. I don't know if they are related to panic, but they tend to happen when i'm incredibly anxious - and anticipating them. Sometimes they're accompanied by the feeling that my stomach is sinking or dropping or a fluttering sensation on my heart. They're not painful but they can be really disorientating. Does anyone know what I'm talking about?

I've heard of "brain zaps" but i don't know if this is the same thing. Also, I'm not on any medication so thats not causing it.

29-03-12, 12:00
Hey Ditapage,

I used to get the exact same thing you are describing when I had really bad anxiety. I would even use the same terms to describe it. My psychiatrist and GP said that it is most likely to be either a release of adrenalin when we are anxious, or our bodies being so alert due to anxiety that we interpret normal sensations that we wouldn't usually notice as these dizzy/buzzy/drop feelings.

It is definitely normal with anxiety though.

If it worries you too much or happens too frequently, check in with your GP for some reassurance. But it does sound to me that it is only anxiety, especially because you mentioned that you are usually anxious when they happen or anticipating them.

29-03-12, 12:14
sounds like brain zaps, anxiety sufferers get them alot

29-03-12, 13:36
Yep u get these too hun and would exsplain them exactly how u have. worse thing is when they come out of nowere. xxxx

03-04-12, 01:17
This sounds exactly like what I get! Don't have the buzzing sound but I get the weird dizzy spell! Very hard to describe though. I have almost constant lightheadedness but this is something that is very defined and comes also when I feel most anxious or are thinking about them!

Had so many tests at the doctors and everything comes back fine always! I get the feeling of fluttering heart or sinking stomach a lot with it too, I always check my heart when it happens but it's quite difficult to know if it's doing something as it only lasts a second or 2. I find it really hard to deal with and I really hope my dr will refer me to a psychologist to help me overcome it if it is anxiety!

03-04-12, 22:33
mrmj, I get that same feeling of instant dizziness/heart sensations/sinking stomach. It feels like intense dread. But lately, instead of it turning into a full blown panic attack, I can get myself calm in a few seconds.

04-04-12, 01:04
Wow just had a mega one a minute ago. Just lying in bed surfing the net, when it felt like my brain was leaving my head and I would faint. Instead I got a massive surge of adrenaline and bolted upright throwing my laptop to 'get away' from it. ARGHHH

05-04-12, 11:14
mrmj, i totally know that feeling of throwing away whatever you're holding when it hits. I used to think they were seizures for that reason... but it isn't exactly involuntary movement. I freak out, then throw my arms about and feel like i have to run away, try to stay conscious, etc.