View Full Version : Hallucinations

28-03-12, 09:30
Does anyone else sometimes see and hear things. I often hear things calling my name or giving me a buse and i genuinly believe it is actaully someone, often to find i'm the only person around.
I sometimes see faces, and figures running towards me or away from me. If i follow them they are nowhere to be seen.
I don't know if this is the anxiety or something more.. can someone advise me what to do..
Thank you xx

28-03-12, 09:32
My best advice is to mention this to your GP the next time you see him/her. Severe anxiety can cause hallucinations, but it would be a good idea to get it checked out.

28-03-12, 17:40
I notice in an earlier post you mentioned you were on medication. I would mention what you said above to your GP. It might be a side effect of your tablets. If you feel it's manageable then it's not an issue, but do get this checked out. I remember when I was on Citalopram I had a few funny moments involving angels (don't ask!) so it is quite possible the medication or the dose are having unwanted effects.

29-03-12, 10:16
Hey Luv, Obviously mention it to your gp but i wanted to tell u that im not on meds, and at the beginning of my anxiety when it was at its worst i had the same kind of thing i could hear things in my ears like someone breathing etc, i remember once i heard a man shout my name and i went to the front door as thought it was my partner and there was no1 there it scared the life outta me lol. But its all gone away now im feeling alot better. xxxx

03-04-12, 01:20
I used to hear people calling my name at work a lot. It was a busy bar I worked in but I used to hear it all the time, I'd look around for someone who had called me but noone would have! It was really weird!