View Full Version : Newbie - Health Anxiety with a twist

28-03-12, 11:43
Hi Everyone,

I've visited this site a few times over the last couple of years, but have only just joined.

I've always been an anxious person, and I probably always will be . Lately, however, my anxiety has really increased: I would say that what I have is Health Anxiety, but it's not focused on my own health - instead I tend to worry constantly about my husband getting sick. Does anybody else have this kind of HA?

My husband has always had quite a lot of moles (none of which habe changed as far as I can see), but lately I've started worrying in particular about the possibility of him getting skin cancer - I think the sunny weather is a trigger. He's had most of them checked out by his GP, who doesn't seem to think they're cause for concern, but it doesn't seem to reassure me: I know I should keep an eye on them in case they change, but I also know that the way my mind works, I'm likely to see/imagine changes even if they aren't there!! Basically I've come to the conclusion that the only way i can get peace of mind is to work on my anxiety issues, rather than constantly checking my hubby's skin (which he's fairly patient with, bless him, but I realise it's infuriating!)

Anyway, writing this post is partly to introduce myself and to see if anyone else has similar kinds of issues (any advice and words of widom would be so welcome), and partly to put down in black and white what my particular fears are, so that hopefully I can start to see that they're out of proportion and getting in the way of my life.

In most other respects, i'm a pretty happy and confident person (as much as anyone is!) but I just can't seem to shift this worry. Some days everything is fine, but other days I barely manage to do anything except fret, which is not a good thing.

Thanks for reading this, I'm grateful for any support xx

28-03-12, 11:49
Hi GoodGirl

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

28-03-12, 12:27
Hi Goodgirl
Hi and welcome

Our anxieties surely limit our enjoyment of life and constantly thinking about the worse case cenario is not helpfull for anyone involved. Changing our thought patterns is not easy but it can be done. Don't allow fear to take over cause then fear has the victory!

Hope you get the help you need to overcome this fear.

28-03-12, 22:00
Hey there,

I'm not sure how much help I can actually be but I just wanted you to know that somebody read your post and could relate. I often panic that my mum is going to get ill because she smokes and it is the most terrifying feeling, I know. I suppose we just have to put these thoughts out of our head, its so much easier said than done and I haven't really managed it yet. Well, feel free to message me if you want to chat and I wish you luck in conquering this. The first step is recognising a need for change,

Helen :)

28-03-12, 22:23
A big, warm :welcome: to NMP!

Pip xx

28-03-12, 23:09
Hello, that indeed sounds familiar! Why worry about just your own health when you can worry about EVERYONE you care about eh?!! Some of my saddest most depressing thoughts involve thinking about this sort of thing. :( x

29-03-12, 09:34
Thanks so much for the warm welcome everyone :) And thanks Helen and Lindy, it's so helpful to know that others feel the same way.

I'm determined to just try to get on with all the stuff I have to do today, and not waste the day worrying, and your messages will help me a lot with that.

Wishing everyone here a good day
GG x

29-03-12, 11:31
Your very welcome! I think trying to just get on with things is really positive, might distract you from your worry. Let me know how your getting on and feel free to message me whenever!
