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View Full Version : ENT Lymph node results

28-03-12, 13:58
So I posted Monday because I was very nervous about my ENT results for my lymph nodes (even though the radiologist told me it was normal 1 month ago). For some reason I got really anxious the day before.

Yet yesterday AM I was fine before appt. The appt went perfect. The results were normal. He felt me. It felt normal.

So now on to new issues!!! (see my new post)

And for those discourages about their nodes... I was convinced I had cancer. I was walking around like a dead man. I lost lots of time with family, and my work suffered. I couldn't believe it could be benign. I even had an ultrasound recommending a CAT scan cause my node was so big at the time.
So hang in there and realize it gets better!!!

28-03-12, 14:10
Hi im so glad your results were goos news. I bet you feel you can get your life back on track now. Im going through the same thing, im totally panicking over this. I did have an ultra sound which i aid for privately and they said all was fine. I have a virus again so there a bit bigger now, but also im sure i have one in my armpit now. Its sore and i think i can feel a small lump, not sure. Im on antibiotics so im hoping it will just go away. Your story is reassuring. Did you just have one?

28-03-12, 14:16
I had the Ultrasound 1 month ago. The first one was in December.
Since then the node had gone down a lot.

My Dr emphasized that cancer never goes down. It only gets bigger. So if it goes down, it cannot be cancer.

I also learned, from the radiologist that some nodes are supposed to be bigger. You always hear 1cm is ok.. but she said 1.5cm was normal for the node that was bothering me... So don't believe what you read on the net!

And mine got up to 2.4cm, but that was prob due to infection.

Hang in there. If you had an ultrasound, and it was normal, relax.

28-03-12, 14:19
Thanks robin, i have several all less than 1cm. They are bigger at the moment but i know thts normal. Thanks for the help. Im sure you will enjoy getting the time back with your family. Good luck, i wish you well.

kelly. x

28-03-12, 14:24
where is yours robin?

28-03-12, 16:07
Good luck Kelly.

I know mine got bigger, and smaller, lots of times! I am sure everyone's does, and when you feel them 1000 times a day you will notice more!

When I went for the ultrasound (second one) it was actually bigger than it had been since I had been poking it a lot... so even that was normal

Take care

---------- Post added at 15:07 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ----------

Greenlady, mine was left neck, around where my pulse is. I think the node is close to the surface, at least when i look up

miss sparkle
01-04-12, 19:39
hi, can i ask, is it normal to be able to feel nodes on both sides?!

02-04-12, 14:51
It is normal to feel on both sides. I only felt on one side, and that is more concerning (although it can still be, and is usually still normal).

miss sparkle
02-04-12, 15:17
phew! i have only just discovered mine. i can feel them if i put my hand around my neck, as though strangling myself, both sides feel jelly like. i can't really feel them with my fingers which is weird.
of course now i know they are there, keep touching them. .
thanks for replying x