View Full Version : Temporary hearing loss in one ear with ringing

28-03-12, 14:04
Ok... my lymph node was ok. But now I am on to something else.
About 2 weeks ago, my hearing went off in one ear for less than 30 seconds. It was like when you get water in your ear, with a loud sort of ringing. It was fast, and I didn't panic because it seemed like a one of.

Yesterday on the way back from the ENT (of all places, of course I panic about this after) in the car it happened again. It was over pretty quick, so I didn't really think about it.

But last night it happened yet again... again very quick... but now it was 3 times so I started to panic and turned to Dr Google.

of course that got me more worried. I read the common cause, built up ear way (and I do have waxy ears) or virus. But of course I focus on the bad stuff.

This happen to anyone?? Could it be anxiety?

Since October, when I had a lot of life changes I have suffered from
- Extreme high blood pressure, did 24 hr monitor, turns out if was anxiety
- Arm pain, which must be ALS or MS right? Nope. Just a strain that got better after a few weeks
- Sore shoulder, must be heart attack? No. Same strain as above.
- Lymph node (see above) that I prob even did to myself by poking the crap out of it
- Hair loss, which was actually just a really bad haircut. But I thought it must be a symptom of cancer

And now the hearing. And since last night, of course I focus on that ear which makes it seems worse!

28-03-12, 18:50

Sounds like you have a case if tinnitus, I suffer quite bad with it! I recently had a virus then both ears were completely blocked and were for 4 weeks. My left ear has now popped but the left still isn't right...I have a low humming sound and every now and again a high pitched ringing sound.

It's quite irritating to be honest...doctor thinks it's fluid in the E-Tube can also take while to clear.

If generally concerned ask you GP again. Best not to visit Doctor Google...

28-03-12, 19:16
WOW what was it you said....we are similar. Well I have the same and it is tinnitus! I have a constant ringing/whistling in my ear and have to ignore it, it is worse when I have a cold and then feels like water in the ear etc. Hopefully you just have conjestion. Glad the lymph thing is now ok!

29-03-12, 01:02
I get that all the time. Sometimes mild and quick, and sometimes it goes on for about a minute or so and the ringing is quite loud and i feel deaf at the same time. I've had it as long as i can remember so i have never bothered having it checked out, i guess i thought it was normal because ive asked other people if they get it and they say yes so i don't get anxious about it. I have no idea where it comes from and i wouldn't call it tinnitus because i've looked it up and that seems more severe and has other symptoms....


29-03-12, 06:27
Hi Again

Kelley is right, if you have the occasional ringing it's perfectly fine...Tinnitus is more when you have constant ringing...I have ringing all day and all night long. I have got the following information for you of the causes of Tinnitus, it's not a harmful thing more of an annoyance

The exact cause of tinnitus cannot always be identified, even after examination by a specialist. However, as well as natural hearing loss and damage, there are several other pyossible causes of tinnitus. These include:
aY build-up of*earwax*that blocks*the ear
a*middle ear infection (otitis media)
glue ear*(otitis media with infusion)
otosclerosis - an inherited*condition where an abnormal bone growth in the middle ear causes hearing loss
Ménière's disease*- a condition that affects a part of the inner ear known as the labyrinth and causes balance problems
Paget's disease*-*a condition where the normal cycle of bone renewal and repair is disrupted
anaemia*- a reduced number of red blood cells that can sometimes cause the blood to become thinner and to circulate so rapidly that it produces a sound
a perforated eardrum

Rarer causes

Less commonly, tinnitus may also develop because of:
a head injury
exposure to a sudden or very loud noise, such as gunfire or an explosion
acoustic neuroma*-*a rare, non-cancerous growth that affects the hearing nerve in the inner ear
adverse reactions to certain medications, such as antibiotics, diuretics, quinine and aspirin (this is more likely to occur when the recommended*dosage is exceeded)
solvent abuse,*drug misuse and*alcohol misuse
high blood pressure (hypertension) and*narrowing of the arteries (atherosclerosis)
an overactive thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism)
Stress is not a direct cause of tinnitus but it can sometimes make the symptom worse. For example, some people have reported that their tinnitus*became worse during stressful events, such as bereavement.

29-03-12, 11:14
I have had what you describe exactly for at least 35 years and I know loads of other people who get it as well, they have been in my company when they all of a sudden push their finger in their ear and go ah I hate it when it does that and then say that they get sudden deafness in one ear with ringing in the other or same ear for about 30 seconds or longer.

Due to other problems I have over the years had many brain mri's and ent appts and I do not have a tumour on my auditory nerve etc etc which is what you will latch onto!

29-03-12, 18:51
Thanks everyone! That helps a lot. I forgot about it this AM, and didn't even think about it. Of course when I thought about it, it suddenly seemed to come on a bit... I think it is anxiety mixed with what is normal (what others describe). I will try to forget about it