View Full Version : Need work advice :-/

28-03-12, 17:37
Had a letter from work today, and I'm not entirely sure what to do about it :-/

I was signed off in mid-December with anxiety and stress, and I'm on a phased return to work. For the last 2 weeks, I was working 3 full days in the office and 2 mornings at home - however, my current doctor's note which starts today says working full time, with 1-2 days in the office and the rest from home.

The work I do is mainly writing reports and things, and my work laptop's all set up to be connected to the right shared drives etc. from home.

However...I've just had a letter emailed through from work which basically says "we are not able to accommodate you working 2 days in the office and 3 days at home. We would like to invite you to discuss this as soon as possible, as we haven't any current working arrangements in place".

They've made it very clear in the past that it's an office-based role and my aim should be not just to increase the number of hours I'm working - but the number of hours in the office.

They're also making an appointment for me to see Occupational Health.

I don't know what my rights are here :-/ The doctor was considering signing me off completely for 2 weeks, surely this option is better? This is still a phased return to work?

I don't really know what to think - I'm convinced that they're trying to get rid of me. Not sure what to do - or what to say in the meeting tomorrow - as I don't really know what my rights are.

Any advice would be appreciated from anyone who's been in a similar position, as this is making me worry even more :(

Em x

28-03-12, 19:46
Hello Em, sorry to hear that you're worried about your meeting with work. I'm afraid I don't have any knowledge of working rights etc but hope someone will be able to help/advise you soon.

Hope all goes well for you,


28-03-12, 20:41
Hello Em, I'm not sure exactly as I don't know your circumstances, but I am guessing that maybe you are not ready for return at such a fast pace. If I understand correctly, you went back recently on phase 3 days per week, now your GP is saying 1-2 days per week...is that right? I'm pretty sure your employer has to try to accomodate what your doctor is suggesting as they have a 'duty of care' to you. I returned on phase mid Jan after being off for 11 weeks. I started off 2 days first 2 weeks, 3 days next 2 weeks and so on until I was back FT. So basically, my phase was over 7 weeks. They are allowing me to arrive later in the morning though and this is ongoing due to some agg issues and side effects of meds..I am not so good first thing lol. I wanted to 'get back to normal' as soon as possible so I almost dictated my own phase, but I wonder now if it was too fast as my PA's have recently returned with a vengence and I can only relate this to work stress. Do you work for a large organisation and how long have you been there? All these things matter....If you don't feel ready, take your docs advice and get yourself signed off again until you are. They can't touch you while you are signed 'unfit for work'. Also don't worry about the occ health...they are impartial and will make suggestions to your employer on ways to help with your return or make things a bit easier for you while you are recovering. I hope this helps a bit. Try not to worry and if you need any more help, feel free to PM me anytime. Good luck....Kitti :)