View Full Version : Anxiety is a real Bully

28-03-12, 18:06
I am so fed up of you Anxiety and all your bullying.
I hate so much and having said that
I am no longer scared of you anymore...
You have bullied me long enough
Stolen my Joy,
Stolen my quality times with my wonderful children and husband
But enough is enough
I have had enough of you
First of all, you are a coward
That's why you chose to attack us at our lowest and helpless moments
When we are unwell
When I am under trauma, stress
And you also wait when I am in my sleep
Now listen to me and listen to me good, I am so done with you
I am no longer scared of you
Yea...you heard me right and I can BOLDLY repeat it
You can do your worst
Bring on your nasty symptoms, I am not scared anymore.
I AM READY FOR YOU :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: :mad:

paula lynne
28-03-12, 18:41
Beautiful, tragic, and honest account of how anxiety takes us in body and mind, and so true......thanks for sharing! :)

I like your attitude. You are ready to kick butt, Im with you all the way, GO FOR IT! :yahoo:

28-03-12, 20:03
Thanks for the support Paula Lynne, I just got fed up this evening. I had a couple of good days, then 2 days ago I got a terrible cold that made me ill, yesterday felt a bit better but really weak and before I knew it boom anxiety attack and panic...terrible tummy pains, lightheadedness, jelly legs, fuzzy head and feeling spacey and ex cetera...my night wasn't very good but decided to drag myself to work and struggled through the day, but felt worse on the way home, i thought I wasn't going to make it home, at one point I felt like I was unconscious on the train that's when I felt so angry and I thought wait a minute....anxiety...enough is enough you can't keep on bullying me like this . I got home still feeling yacky but I'm feeling a bit better now. I am determined this time, and thanx for your support :-) x x

paula lynne
28-03-12, 20:13
Well done for adopting such a pro-active attitude. I firmly believe we cant fight something we cant see, with anxiety acceptance is the key. You take control and it loses its power over you. You can kick butt by acting like you dont have anxiety and dont care about it. Read Dr Claire Weekes "Self-help for your nerves"...it hasnt sold 8 million copies for nothing lol.I still get anxiety in some form everyday after 12 years, but I laugh at it, and go about my day as best I can. On really bad days, I dont beat myself up over it, because I know a better day is just ahead. Give your anxiety sensations permission to go out with you. It becomes a shaking little monster as you grow stronger. Lose the fear, and gain control. I wish you all you wish for yourself, and I think that with such a great attitude, there is no way you can not get better. Be well Mendez :) and please keep in touch x
Paula x

28-03-12, 21:08
Thank you so much, your reply had been so helpful, I am going to order the book on amazon tonight. I have read a lot of people on here recommending it but I ve been a bit reluctant, hopefully it will be delivered quick as I am now looking forward to reading it. I will keep you posted. Thank you so much, really appreciate. :-) x x

28-03-12, 21:12
Wow just wow, I am going to save your post and I'm going to read it out loud every day.

I didn't realise not giving it power would work, but so bluntly put I can see it will!

If anyone has any tips on how to not fuel the anxiety fire please post, this is a most helpful and uplifting thread that can and will help defeat the demon

Thanks for posting!

29-03-12, 21:38
Couldn't agree more with the sentiments in this thread -for me the only way to manage anxiety is to accept it but when it really builds tell it to do its worst as if you care. It'll soon go away if it has noone to fight!!!
Best of Luck

03-04-12, 12:59
Thank you so much all for your support and encouragement. I bought Dr. Claire Weekes's 'Essential Hel for Your Nerves' and its amazing, although I am still not there yet but I will certainly get there. Thank you Paula Lynne. :)