View Full Version : Does this sound like IBS?

28-03-12, 19:42
Hey all,

I've had a lot of problems with my stomach for years now and have have had couple of endoscopies. The first one found a hiatus hernia and the second found gastritis.

I have taken cimetadine and omeprazole & Lansoprazole but it's been difficult to say if they've had any effect as the side effects can be similar the problems they're supposed to help with!

I suffer from a selection of anxiety related disorders which I'm convinced affect my stomach.

My stomach symptoms are:

* Heartburn
* Gurgling stomach (especially last thing at night)
* Nausea
* Loose stools (sometimes)
* Wind (both ends)
* Reduced appetite
* Weight loss - this is a recent development. I've lost 1.5st in 3 months without trying.
* Mild stomach pains
* Sharp pains in the rectum
* Occasionally, I pass small amounts of a clear, jelly like substance

I have some other non-stomach related symptoms but I won't list those at the moment.

Does the above sound like IBS?


28-03-12, 21:16
I have every one of those symptoms so I am hoping its just IBS. I wish I could let myself believe that anxiety can affect my digestive system as the worry about all these symptoms is driving me nuts. Does anxiety really cause all this? If you google IBS you will find all those symptoms listed except perhaps the weight loss but I do believe that IBS can cause weight loss as you feel so wretched that you don't eat as much. Always best to ask the doc to be sure though.

28-03-12, 21:39
I think the problem is that there's no definitive, clinical diagnosis for IBS. It tends to be case of ruling out everything else first...

29-03-12, 01:02
GG I had very similar symptoms. I went to the doctor about it and he wasn't concerned. I asked him directly what would concern him, he told me continual rectal bleeding (twice a week) or diarrhea for a prolonged period (based on my age 34) he said 3-4 weeks of it. I had a rectal exam in the surgery he told me it was all good. Monitor what I eat etc etc. TBH when the symptoms come on I get freaked but I'm trying to soldier on in the hope that it goes eventually. I can be ok for a week and then It'll be back for a week. I've had full blood tests in November and a CT Scan over stomach and splenic area all clear. I'm stumped as to what it is. I'm praying to God it's not something sinister despite my Doctors reassurance.

29-03-12, 18:42

You know it seems crazy that Drs. can not pin point exactly what is going on in the body with this whole host of symptoms. But they can only do what they are taught.

I suffered from all of the same symptoms for over 27 years ...in and out of Drs offices and tried many different forms of alternative healing..spend lots of $$$ and time....much suffering.

But I just kept looking and never gave up. I did find something finally - online - that was like a miracle. No pills, potions, magic juice.....just good sound information and advice...... and now I am pain free.....all the symptoms you have ( I had) are now gone.....
I am not allowed to tell you about it here.....but if you want to email me please feel free to do so and I will email you back with what helped me.

One thing that really worked is only ever eat fruit by itself...never with anything else.

Don't give up - there is help.
