View Full Version : going to doctor, really scared, could use support

29-06-06, 17:50

Today is my first day back at work after going home for almost 2 weeks. And, 3 people have asked me whae happened to my foot/leg because I'm limping. This is the same thing that several people at home had pointed out to me for the first time. Before then, the only thing that anyone noticed was that I walked slower. So of course, now I'm FREAKING. Why can't all of this stuff just go away? Do you think that the fact that I'm worried about it could make it more pronounced? I'm going to my family doctor today as my ENT doesn't have an appointment until July 24th. Does anyone whose ever had vertigo had it affect their walking? Is there something neurological that this could be in light of a clean MRI with contrast in May of this year? Has anyone had bppv last this long (almost 3 months)? PT and meclizine really don't work much for me at all as I'm still moderately dizzy all of the time when doing anything but sitting. Please guys, I'm really freaking here and about to go into panic mode.

Take care everyone,


29-06-06, 18:33
April try not to go into a panic - you don't know that there is anything to panic over yet.

I have certainly had dizziness for nearly that amount of time a couple of years ago and yes I did wobble a bit and feel I may fall over.

Go to the doctors like you intend then you can be reassured and that will help you stop worrying about it.

Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

29-06-06, 18:39
Hi April, I get dizziness so often and mine effects my walking. I wish you luck at the Drs.

Hope you start to get better soon:D

Take care



29-06-06, 21:38
Hi April, my bppv has been with me for 20 years but i have not suffered all that time. It will get better, I know it's hard but doing things can help, even when you don't want to, the more you keep your head still the more tense it gets, so that when you do move it wham, the dizziness is worse. Ask about cooksey cawthorn exercises that can help retrain your brain and the balance mechanisnm.

Take care

'This too will pass'

april tones
30-06-06, 00:19
Hi april, from one april to another!! ha ha

I had this 5 yrs ago, i had severe depression
I didnt know at the time, someone spotted me limping also and i was so scared, my speech was slurred, i thought i had stroke
My family doctor told me sometimes anxiety/depression can cause symptoms on one side of body, only tempoary and not damaging"
you will be fine whrn you start getting better, april xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

30-06-06, 09:14

I have had dizziness that has affect my balance and the way i walked.I also slurred my speech
Youre not on your own
Love and best wishes
Hunny x

01-07-06, 00:40
Thanks for your replies guys, they really make me feel better.
