View Full Version : Appendicitis Fear

29-06-06, 17:55
Hi All,

I'm stresing at the moment regarding a stabbing pain i keep getting in the lower right hand side of my abdomen...It's almost like a spasm...lasting for only a few seconds... it goes for a while, before coming back again. I've had this pain on and off before, but every time it happens, i panic and think it's appendicitis and i'm gonna need surgery (one of my biggest fears). I do get IBS from time to time and wondered if it's just that. I guess if it was something serious, i'd know about it, be in much more pain and have other symptoms? I've been told though that "grumbling" appendicitis sometimes happens and this is a precursor to the full blown infection. Arrrggghhh! Anybody else get this ?



"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon

emma chant
29-06-06, 19:21
I don't think it's your appendicitis because my dad had his out,
and he was in pain from 4am right to 9am.
He also could'nt stand up properly because of pain.

e chant

30-06-06, 07:20
Like Emma says I think appendicitis causes alot of pain and can make you sick too, I think you'd know if you had it!! I get loads of pains in both sides of my lower abdomen, sometimes so severe I can't straighten up. I'm sure its just your digestive system working.
Love Helen

30-06-06, 14:48
Thats what i had 13 yrs ago when i was diagnosed with IBS. I was scanned for ovarian cyst as a large amount of women get those yet dont even know they have them & they usually just disappear but the scan was all clear. Did have to wait months for it though so it might of gone by the time i got there for the test. It was a yr or so after that i was diagnosed with the IBS. Mine was right hand side, very low down, used to cause an ache down my leg too. Doctor just called that referred pain.
Caz xxxxxxxx

Pete to win Big Brother! He is Daddy Fantastic with pants made of elastic!

01-07-06, 09:52
Thanks everyone for the help with this. I wonder if it is indeed,partly referred pain...It does extend into my hip joint from time to time...my appendix certainly isn't there (lol!)....and like everyone says, i'd have much more discomfort.


"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon

16-10-06, 10:22
Hi everyone,

I need some more reassurement again guys please...apologies for bringing this up again....especially after your previous kind replies already....

I am getting more and more worried about the abdominal pains i keep gettiing....see original post above. My stomach area generally feels tender and has done so now for several days. I keep getting twinges of pain often in the right hand side of my abdomen which i am worried means that appendicitis is brewing. The pain is not unbearable and only lasts a few seconds then goes for a few minutes. I went to my GP a few
days ago and he pressed my stomach and said he didn't think it was appendictis but probably IBS or similar. I don't seem to be able to completely trust his judgement though because some of my pains are on the right hand side...if they were on the left or in the middle, i wouldn't worry! I can press all over my abdomen and it doesn't cause any pain at all, i have no fever, no vomiting or nausea, or loss of appetite..just the pains. For some reason, i am also getting a lot of aching and discomfort in my right hip (and some in my left hip as well)....i don''t know what is causing this...muscle strain maybe?...I am also worried though that this may be connected and be another symptom of appendicitis.
It doesn't help that i googled [Duh!] and have read that appendicitis can come on slowly and cause mild pain at first (Chronic)...other sources state that it is only ever acute. I am becoming so scared that i'm reluctant to eat properly for fear that this will either make it worse...or if i end up needing emergency surgery, will complicate the anaesthetic and i risk vomiting and choking! ( i had a general about 20 years ago and remember being violently sick when being brought back from theatre.) I suppose that i really can't rush back to my doctor at the moment because the pain isn't bad enough, but i can't really function in this limbo, bracing myself for an imminent surgical emergency!
Any suggestions guys? Has anybody else had experience of appendicitis?
Thanks in advance

CW :(

"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon

16-10-06, 10:39

sory u r feeling so bad, i would say look at the posta i have written over the last week, im having exactly the same as u. even the hip pain has started mainly in the right but in the left too aswell last night, i went to the drs again this morning he said it was IBS, but like u i cant see how ibs can cause the real low pain, its almost like the ladies bits if u know what i mean, mine feels like its burning,

let me know
leanne x

i just wanna feel normal

16-10-06, 11:00
Hi leanne,

Thanks for the reply.It certainly sounds like we have similar symptoms and have both been independantly diagnosed with IBS by two different doctors...that's a plus i guess! ...The chances of two people with very similar symptyoms being misdiagnosed by two different doctors is pretty slim i imagine?

I did read your post, though wasn't sure if maybe it may not entirely apply to me because i'm male...though IBS certainly affects men and women.

I have heard that the gut is seen as the "second brain"...in that it has so many complex nerve systems and that these can respond directly to serotonin...so when you are stressed, some people feel tension in the abdomen in response. I suppose it is also possible to get referred pain anywhere where there are so many nerve endings. I probably get pains all over my abdomen, though focus in on the alarming ones (appendix area) and only really notice them, making me think that it where i am getting the most pain and therefore that is where the problem lies.
It does kinda make sense as i write this so why can't i accept it?

Hope you are feeling better soon...keep us updated.

Take care,


"Instead of seeing the rug being pulled from under us, we could learn to dance on a moving carpet." - Anon

16-10-06, 11:10
i forgot to say the my dr just " with a week of pain ,if it were appendicitis u would be in umbearable pain and it certainly wouldnt come and go" but like u i had exact same thoughts as u, like its something slowly happening, but im sure it isnt now.

take care

i just wanna feel normal

18-02-16, 22:07
Hi everyone,

I need some more reassurement again guys please...apologies for bringing this up again....especially after your previous kind replies already....

I am getting more and more worried about the abdominal pains i keep gettiing....see original post above. My stomach area generally feels tender and has done so now for several days. I keep getting twinges of pain often in the right hand side of my abdomen which i am worried means that appendicitis is brewing. The pain is not unbearable and only lasts a few seconds then goes for a few minutes. I went to my GP a few
days ago and he pressed my stomach and said he didn't think it was appendictis but probably IBS or similar. I don't seem to be able to completely trust his judgement though because some of my pains are on the right hand side...if they were on the left or in the middle, i wouldn't worry! I can press all over my abdomen and it doesn't cause any pain at all, i have no fever, no vomiting or nausea, or loss of appetite..just the pains. For some reason, i am also getting a lot of aching and discomfort in my right hip (and some in my left hip as well)....i don''t know what is causing this...muscle strain maybe?...I am also worried though that this may be connected and be another symptom of appendicitis.
It doesn't help that i googled [Duh!] and have read that appendicitis can come on slowly and cause mild pain at first (Chronic)...other sources state that it is only ever acute. I am becoming so scared that i'm reluctant to eat properly for fear that this will either make it worse...or if i end up needing emergency surgery, will complicate the anaesthetic and i risk vomiting and choking! ( i had a general about 20 years ago and remember being violently sick when being brought back from theatre.) I suppose that i really can't rush back to my doctor at the moment because the pain isn't bad enough, but i can't really function in this limbo, bracing myself for an imminent surgical emergency!
Any suggestions guys? Has anybody else had experience of appendicitis?
Thanks in advance

CW :(

I apologise for resurrecting an old post but the quote above is exactly how I feel right now, it's worded better than I could word it.

Does anyone know what it could be?

18-02-16, 22:17
I have experience of grumbling appendix with my son when he was 15 to 19 years old. He got sudden very acute abdominal pain, he had extremely painful abdomen on pressure and was violently sick. Our GP wrongly diagnosed abdominal migraine because he was totally better again within 24 hrs. When he went to university he had an attack ( they use dto come every 6 months) and he finally got sent to hospital and they did a blood test that showed his white cells were elevated and they straight away said appendix but because he was fine again in 24 hrs they didn't take it out but because he kept having attacks twice a year he had it out the following year.

He was told he had classic grumbling appendix attacks so you can be reassured as you do not have these symptoms.

IBS sounds much more likely.

18-02-16, 22:29
If it's IBS it's a big change to my usual IBS symptoms. The reason I quoted constantworrier's post is because it's perfect for my situation. Literally word for word perfect. Someone else wrote that it feels like there's a golf ball just above the right hip. Not visually, but it feels like there's a weight or mass there.

Can IBS cause those symptoms?

19-02-16, 15:48
Also the pains are pretty much constant and eating food or going to the toilet doesn't really change them. I thought IBS comes and goes?t