View Full Version : Sertraline help!

28-03-12, 22:39
Hi everyone,

I am new to this website but came across it when research setraline. I have been on fluoxetine for a few years and was diagnosed with depression and mild anxiety but I recently went back and explained how bad my anxiety was. I worry about everything, I get the sickness feeling in my stomach from dread and I am often thinking is life worth all this worry. So I have been prescribed sertraline but I am worried about starting this! I am suppose to stop my fluoxetine and take this instead but because it is a new tablet for me my anxiety is sky high..what is I get really bad reaction? I am getting my hair done next week but now worry with a new tablet going into me then I will get a hair dye reaction? I worry I won't be able to come off it? I worry that it will make me worse! As you can see my worry is out of control so was looking for some feedback and maybe reassurance it is going to be ok. I don't tell anyone my worry as I feel mad :(

---------- Post added at 21:39 ---------- Previous post was at 21:37 ----------

Also want to add I am aware my worry about starting the sertraline is my anxiety to start with and the reason why I need this but sadly I read the side effects on the label and now mind is racing.

29-03-12, 10:51
Hey there,

I am new to this website too and I'm afraid I know very little about medication as I am only on mild beta blockers myself. I can completely and utterly relate to the sickness you feel and the constant dread and even the thought of is it worth being here if all I'm going to experience is worry.

However, I think if your unsure of the medication your taking you should go to your doctor and ask these questions. That is what they are there for and if they are prescribing you medication for anxiety then they will understand why you need to ask these questions. You could probably even ask your pharmacist these questions as they are just as qualified as doctors and would have vast knowledge of all the medications your prescribed.

I think recognising that this worry about your medication is not in fact rational and is the reason your in fact taking medication is really positive and try to hold on to that thought. All medication has side effects however if they outweighed the benefits then doctors wouldn't prescribe them! I think you need to take a deep breath and try to put that out of your head.

Finally, please don't feel as if your going mad, I feel like that sometimes but coming on this website does help as I have realised there are so many other people who can relate. Its scary when anxiety gets out of control and you feel as if you can't reel it back in but try to think that this is your mental fight and you can beat it!

Hope this message finds you well and feel free to message me any time,


29-03-12, 15:10
Hi and welcome
I've been taking sertraline for 5 weeks, 3 weeks on 50mg, 2 weeks on 100mg.
for depression and anxiety brought on by chronic fatigue syndrome after a virus last November. Tried Prozac, Citalopram and mirtazapine, awful.

Yes these do have side effects, think I've had nearly all of them !!!!!!! and some not on the leaflet. having said that, there are a few people on here who have been lucky enough not have had any.

Sertraline does take a while to kick in, some say 6 weeks others have said 12 weeks, so don't expect a quick fix. Stock up on Imodium for the diarrhoea, Soda Water for the nausea or Molitium tablets.
I take my tablet before bed, but a few on here take theirs in the morning after breakfast.
They've helped me, don't feel 100% yet, my get up and go is coming back, although slowly.
Good luck with them and message me any time

---------- Post added at 14:10 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------


and no you're not going mad

29-03-12, 18:29
Thank you for your replies. I couldn't take it this morning as the anxiety is too high so continued with my fluoxetine!

29-03-12, 20:16
Sertraline and Fluoxetine (Prozac) are the same type of antidepressants, known as SSRIs (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) and so they work in a very similar way. Oddly some variants work better on some people than others but you need have no anxiety at all if you have already been on one of them for so long.

Best wishes