View Full Version : Alzeimers

Granny Primark
29-03-12, 07:14
My dad started with alzeimers when he was in his early 50s.
At the time we hadnt got a clue what was matter with him.
My mum was partially disabled and dad used to nip down the local shop to get things she run out of. (me and me hubby always took my mum out to do her weekly shop)
Shed ask him to get maybe bread and milk and hed either come back with one thing or nothing at all.
When my mum died suddenly age 60 my dad was a wreck.
We went down to see his doctor and told him we were baffled at my dads behaviour.
He looked at us blankly and asked me "hadnt your mum told you?"
Apparantly hed been diagnosed with alzeimers.
I hadnt got a clue what alzeimers was. He just said "your dads losing his memory fast"
The following year we had a much wanted child (a daughter}. By this time my dad was living with us and it truly felt Id had 2 babies.
My dad was living with us. Id tuck him up in bed and hed say "I dont know who you are but your bloody good to me"
My health anxiety is that Im petriefied of this illness. If I forget things I panic so much. Im at the age that my dad was when he first started forgetting things now.
We donate money monthly out of my hubby wages to the alzeimers.
Im wondering if my fear is making me forget silly things.
I constantly do crosswords, word searches etc in fact anything to keep my brain active.
My mum always said use or lose it.
Sorry for going on and on.

29-03-12, 12:32
Normal forgetfulness happens, especially when you are stressed out or worried. Doing puzzles is a great way to keep your mind sharp. Symptoms and signs of something such as alzheimer's are more serious, and along the lines of forgetfulness that interrupts your daily life, getting lost going somewhere you go all the time and not being able to find your way home, confusion with time and place, judgment changes, etc.

It must be frightening though having seen alzheimer's in your own family. There is a difference though between just normal forgetfulness due to stress, aging, etc and symptoms of the disease. You are doing everything right.

29-03-12, 17:12
I have nothing but admiration for you. You are a very kind and thoughtful person.
I hope we will meet again and have a good natter
Lots Love and take care Lynn, my friend :hugs::hugs:

Granny Primark
29-03-12, 19:53
Thanks for your support.
It didnt help much when on tuesday I did my voluntary work with the wrvs and I happened to mention my dad and what happened to him.
The person who is my boss said "you do realise thats its heredity?"
Im scared so much now of forgetting anything.
I do the voluntary work to help people but sorry for being selfish but I do it as well to give me back some self confidence.