View Full Version : Help with poking/prodding

29-03-12, 07:51
Ever since about a year ago I've had this obsession with poking and prodding every little part of my body. Neck/Groin/Back/Hips/Abdomen everything. I think i've "found" little round lumps everywhere. I feel them in my Ribs, Neck, Arm everywhere you name it, but I know they are nothing. Honestly I think ive felt 50 little nodules in my body. I have no symptoms, I even feel the same lumps on my girlfriend/brother but for some reason I always think the worst and keep rubbing/poking. I know they are nothing, but it's always in the back of my mind. If I could quit the poking/rubbing I know it would help me for sure.

Any suggestions on how I can stop thinking every little bump/sore/nodule is something bad, and how I can quit prodding them? It's eating me alive.

macc noodle
29-03-12, 08:35
I suffer HA and this was one of my "safety mechanisms" for a while.

During CBT, we devised a strategy where, to begin with, I was allowed one feel a day - no more - for two weeks .................. At the end of the 2 weeks, no more prodding and poking was allowed.

Hard to do BUT it did work.

Worth a try - if you do it a huge number of times, perhaps you could start by allowing yourself a morning and evening check for a couple of weeks and then down to one and then none?

