View Full Version : Relapse

29-03-12, 08:00
I haven't been on these forums for a while. I suffer from general anxiety and panic which has been fairly quiet for the last year or so. During that time I took citalopram and had CBT and generally felt a lot better. So what kicked it off this time? Well I came off the citalopram two and a half months ago on doctors advice because I was doing so well. Well since then I have moved and then got married, oh and my mum has been ill. So after the wedding two weeks ago anxiety hits again and now I'm struggling. I think that there may have been too much to deal with at once. Feeling like a bit of a failure and any advice would be fab. I've referred myself back into CBT services. Otherwise I'm stuck in a rut. :(

29-03-12, 08:44
Bless ya Emm, it's such a shame that you feel like this after you have done so well, but at the same time, it is only natural for things to be triggered when you have been under a lot of stress.

I found after I got married there was a massive void and depression hit me big time, with nothing to look forward to and no hope for the future. But you are getting back on the CBT which is a godsend to me right now, and you know it's back and you can deal with it and beat it once again. This time, as you have caught it early it will be just a minor relapse, and you have us here to help you through.

Congratulations on all the good things going on in your life right now!!!

29-03-12, 08:57
Ah thank you hun. That is such a help, you have no idea how much better I feel. I felt a bit guilty about enquiring about CBT again. A bit of a repeat offender lol. But I guess sometimes these things just happen. Xxxx

29-03-12, 10:06
Oh my goodness, never feel guilty for getting help!!! When my CBT woman thinks I'm better and if and when I relapse I am going straight back! We pay our taxes for the NHS, so it's the least they can do :roflmao:

If you have a wobble am always about to chat if you ever want to PM xxx

29-03-12, 10:23
Thank you little madam. It's amazing the difference knowing that their are others out there going through the same thing can make. I'm already feeling a lot more positive about accessing CBT again. Although this is miserable It's not the worst I've ever felt so I'm hoping that I have learnt some coping skills :). Xx

29-03-12, 18:28
Hi Emm, it sounds like you know the triggers for your anxiety which is really good, and also it's great that your going back for CBT! I think maybe you just need some extra support during this stressfull time so hopefully CBT will provide that for you.. in the meantime don't over do it and don't feel guilty! It's understandable given that you have had all the stress of a wedding, move and a family illness!

29-03-12, 18:49
Hey Emm! I was just about to post a thread named "relapse" too! I know how you feel (I dont intend for that to sound berating, we both are experiencing different things) but I know how it feels to feel as though you're doing well, and for it to turn to rubbish afterwards. I hope that you feel better soon, you have the support here if you need it, and from your Doctors, of course. At least you know the source of your anxiety. I know that you've suffered in the past, but rational anxiety is and should be expected in every day life. All you need to do is focus on your issues and rationalise them with yourself. Surround yourself with things/people that you live and I have every faith that you will pull through this rough patch! Let me know how you get on :)

29-03-12, 20:23
Thanks guys. I spoke to my CBT man today and we have decided that a refresher course would be best. So I'm feeling very relieved and lucky that I can access that support. A relapse is disappointing but I am feeling much more positive about kicking it back where it belongs. Thank you all for your support. Xx

29-03-12, 20:48
Good for you Emm!

The same thing happened to me when I came of citalopram a few years ago. It only took a couple of months for those too familiar feelings to come back, so I went back to my doctor. My doctor had advised me that I'll probably be on them for the rest of my life but I'm absolutely fine with that. They help me to feel 'normal' and that's all I want from life as we all do on here.

You have been so strong going back and seeking more help and advice. You know yourself incredibly well to realise that all of those stressful occassions (no matter how happy) have triggered it off again. But this time you will return to health more quickly because you have been there and know that it can be done!!!

Take care lovely,

Jo :)