View Full Version : Ultrasound scan?

29-03-12, 08:14
Hi all, hope everyone is doing ok despite all this anxiety shit!. Anyway I went to the docs yesterday to finally talk to him about my stomach problems, as I have been getting occasional sharp pains on both sides of my lower abdomen and just a general achiness in my abdomen and at the top of my legs, anyway he felt me stomach and then afterwards said it just sounds like constipation but he would send me for an ultrasound, more to put my mind at rest then anything. But then u start thinking is he sending me for one cause he thinks there is something wrong or what? Anyway he said it can take 3-4 weeks to get an appt, and now I'm wishing I hadn't gone to the docs now cause now I can't maybe 4 weeks of waiting and worrying then waiting for the resultd afterwards!! Anyway my question is has anyone been for an ultrasound and can they give u the results while u r there and if not how long do u have to wait. Also I am thinking of going private to get this out of the way, does anyone know how much this costs? Any answers or advice will be greatly appreciated. Thanks so much for reading :-)

29-03-12, 08:23
Hi, I had 2 ultrasounds last year both came back normal thankfully and yes they tell you there and then, I was like you I couldn't bare the waiting so I phoned the ultrasound department at the hospital and asked if there was any cancelations and on both occasions I got one within a couple of days. Good luck I'm sure it will be fine and put your mind at rest. Anxiety is a horrible thing.

macc noodle
29-03-12, 08:29

I had been suffering pains and aches like you describe for quite a while and had got myself all worked up that I had ovarian cancer!

The GP did blood tests and offered an ultrasound - just to put my mind at rest

I did not have the US because I was too scared - I have a phobia of hospitals too.

Anyway a year and a half down the line - still having the pains and increasing toilet issues so finally had ultra sound - the doc said that she was happy I did not have ovarian cancer and wanted to put my mind at rest!

Well, I have fibroids and a simply cyst - so I do have something but not anything terribly bad!!!

Go for it and get your results - the thing is we have all already imagined the worst case scenario with our anxiety, so to know once and for all was actually a relief for me.


They will NOT give you the results while you are there - they are not allowed to. My results were back with my GP 2 days after my scan - so the wait was only tiny xx

29-03-12, 08:37
Thanx for the replies guys and as soon as I get a letter from the hospital with my appointment date I no doubt will be ringing them every day for a cancellation, just like I did when I had to have a colposcopy. I really do not want to pay to go private as I can't afford it so I guess I will have to wait it out and try to not drive myself completely crazy :-) x

29-03-12, 13:06
I have found out that it costs between £256 and £388 to have an ultrasound scan, but you can get one within a few days and get the results there and then, I really do not want to have to pay that kind of money, but I certainly would love peace of mind. Should I just wait and go with the NHS? What does everyone else think?x

29-03-12, 14:02
I really wouldn't waste that much money on a private scan to be honest. The outcome is going to be the same just that you will be poorer lol

Wait on the NHS

29-03-12, 14:43
I had an ultasound recently for different reasons, i paid privatley it cost 318. I did get my results there and then. The thing tht worried me whilst i was waiting was, if there was something wrong (not saying there is-just hyperthetically) i wouldnt be able to afford the treatment privatley, so tht would mean them contacting my GP advising treatment etc, then you have to get an app with your GP. So if id of found out something was wrong, i still would of had to wait for my gp to find out, knowing something was wrong. I think i would rather have just waited and found the result on the nhs then all treatment programes can be discussed as you get the result. I always have niggling pains in my pelvis and ive put it down to when im ovulating and the week leading up to my monthly cycle. I really wouldnt worry. Id go nhs. xx:)

29-03-12, 14:58
i wouldnt even wait for your refferal letter just phone and say have you got any cancelations and tell them your really anxious thats what i did and got an appointment within days.

29-03-12, 15:22
Keep ya money in ya pocket

macc noodle
29-03-12, 16:10
It is all well and good haranguing the hospital for a cancellation but really priority should go to those that doctors firmly believe need an urgent scan - not just one to put your mind at rest!

If you want to pay for one then that is your choice.

If your doctor thought you urgently needed looking at then they would have you seen within 2 weeks.

Has your doctor ordered any blood tests etc?

In my area, they have contracted out the ultrasound scans so that you do not go to the hospital but go to a private clinic in any event. Even then they have send the results back to your GP but they were very good with me and even offered to fax the results to my GP the same day so that I would not have to wait for the results. (The reality of the situation was though that my GP could not see me until the middle of the week LOL).


29-03-12, 17:21
Thanks for all your replies guys and you have made me make up my mind and save my money and wait for an NHS appointment. If the doctor suspected something serious then he would have got me an urgent appt, so I will try and be patient, may try for a cancellation though as i've never been very patient lol xx