View Full Version : panic attack today!! first bad one for few yrs

april tones
29-06-06, 19:27
Hi guys!!

I know this is connected but does any of you suffer with panic attacks with your fibro or M.E?

I was walking down the road today, feeling quite happy, It was quite hot but i hadnt been out in it for long, all of a sudden i felt really breathless, couldnt work out if it was my asthma/hayfever as the hayfever triggers it
I felt uncomftable on my chest and out of breath, had been 20 min walk or more
I felt more out of breath as i walked and i was chatting as usual
A few times i felt panicky with it, like i was going to suffocate, classic signs of panic
By the time i got to supermarket i was really breathless,worn out,lighheaded,confused,disorientated and high levels of panic
My mouth and face felt twitchy and i felt like i had froze, my arms and hands were heavy like lead
I had really good friend with me who has suffered and she really helped me!
It took good hour to feel normal again, im feeling drained,emotional and achy now!!

Have you ever had it? I had them really bad about 5 years ago like this, this is worse i have had in ages!! really knocked me for 6
I am also worried to what triggered it? Is it fibro,panic,asthma,hayfever,allergies
I really thiought im going to collapse,my head felt all pics and needles and like i was fighting against collapsing!
feels awful just thinking of it, why did i have so bad ???
I am on a new bottle of my bach remedies, maybe its just kicking in and bringing old feelings to surface as can do that sometimes

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com