View Full Version : Went to the dentist

29-06-06, 20:12

I just thought i'd share with everyone with fantastic feat i achieved on Tuesday. I went to the dentist AND had a tooth taken out! I felt so good after that, like i could do anything i wanted.

Now, i'm back to feeling terrible again. I just don't understand it - i remember that amazing feeling i had the other day, but now i'm back to my anxiety and all my lightheadedness.

So, this is kind of a success and a groan posting... sorry the news couldn't be better!

29-06-06, 20:18
WELL DONE for going to the dentist and having you teeth done.
I am sorry you are feeling unwell again but maybe over the next few daysyou will start to pick up. I think with most of us, we can cope with situations at the time and then panic later.

Wish you all the best in your recovery:D

Take care



29-06-06, 20:18
Hi Gregor

I know exactly how you feel.. few weeks ago i really had to go to the dentist all by myself as i had severe toothache.. i had a great feeling about it wow i did it myself.. but few days after it i felt so drained.. it takes a lot out of u gregor.. but i have started doing other things for myself now.. its like god if i can get to the dentist i can do anything.. and that was 4 teeth i had to get out..

anyway you want a chat just email or pm me anytime ok
take care lucy x

29-06-06, 21:09
Hi Lucy,

Well, you have my respect for having 4 teeth out!!

Thanks for your support - it's always nice to hear from people who have gone through the exact same thing. I really hope i can get back on track, because aside from going to the dentist, i've had a really good couple of weeks (toothache aside!) with getting out and going places. I had been happier than i've been for a long time.


30-06-06, 00:44
Hi Gregor,
Its great to hear things are picking up for you!!
Well done for getting to the dentist and dont forget that great feeling you had,you will have many more of them!

Take care xx

30-06-06, 07:23
Well done Gregor:D
Love Helen

30-06-06, 11:01
Hia gregor WELL DONE YOU !!!!!
you did really good keep it up :D
just read a post on here and that sometimes happens we cope well with the situation then it hits us a couple of days after so dont let it get you down your on the up:D
take care cheryl xx

30-06-06, 18:36

Well done you for going. Don't worry about feeling bad again afterwards just remember how well you did and praise yourself for that!


30-06-06, 18:45
Well done Gregor. Remember to focus on your achievement of getting there in the first place and having the treatment.

I need to go to the dentist but keep putting it off - mainly because I don't have a dentist.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey