View Full Version : Anxiety caused piles/hemorrhoids

29-03-12, 17:07
I'm 18 years old and this is such an embarrassing thing for me, but I have developed piles due to my anxiety. When I get nervous or have to go out somewhere I always feel like I need the toilet which makes me panic and so I regularly force and strain on the loo and this is what has lead to me developing them... at 18! I have been to the doctors (again embarrassing for someone my age) and they have confirmed it as piles and I'm currently being treated for it but I just wanted to see if there was anyone else who has this problem who could offer some support/advice? I'm so upset to have caused these myself :'(

29-03-12, 17:12
I am 23 and just found out that I have them, but my doc said mine was due to a history of constipation and stuff. Still, embarassing to have them at our age!! Eat a lot of fiber so it comes out easily and then you don't have to strain.

29-03-12, 17:25
Thanks for your reply! It's really embarrassing, especially when they want to 'take a look'! I've improved my diet too, I hope I can get rid of them soon as I've had them for 3 months now and they are driving me crazy! Good luck with your treatment :)

08-01-13, 08:48
With all due respect what has any of that information got to do with this thread.

The young lady is embarressed and her anxiety in this case is causing her to run to the loo thinking she has to open her bowels.Not an uncommon symptom.
My advice is that one should have a varied diet, eat fibrous foods, execise and drink plenty of water.
Constipation is a misued word by many. No two people are the same and having been to the doctor we know it is piles.