View Full Version : Help if u can :)

29-03-12, 17:24
Ok guys/Gals Here goes!!

Ive suffered from "butterflies in the stomach" for years but just learned to live with it. Ive never taken medication as I wanted to get rid of it by myself. But Lately ive stared to feel anxious/nervous about nothing of real importance. I would say im not a worrier, although i am unemployed which I think about daily.

Ive also been getting a lot of migraines which I think is connected to being anxious. I lived and worked abroad last summer and the strange thing is, I must have drank alcohol nearly every nite for 5 months and I never had one migraine but once im home, I am getting them regular. I wake up on a morning quite anxious but ive got nothing to be stressed about.

Could it be my diet which is the cause? Or maybe dehydration?

any pointers would be appreciated


29-03-12, 17:43
Hey man,
Hope you're all good. Mornings are an interesting one as, medically speaking, we produce more stress hormones at this time of day (for whatever reason). Cortizol is the big one and it is just as much down to this hormone as adrenaline that people develop GAD. Cortizol makes us look for danger, even when it isn't there and I have first hand stinking experience where this is concerned as during my current bout of GAD I've been worrying about some truly ridiculous things, just because they kind of fit my need to have something to fret about.
Diet does certainly play a part, as does being unemployed from my own experience. I graduated last summer and havent found steady work since and just having enough time to dwell on things allowed me to find things to worry about! It's annoying, certainly as I thought I was inactive during my student time haha! Turns out that my brian was occupied at least! My advice would be to take note of how you're treating yourself as general anxious feelings can be nipped in the bud early.
I'm not hugely clued up on migraines, but it does sound like they're linked to your general anxious feelings. Best advice in the short term man, get out there and enjoy yourself as much as you can and keep your mind occupied. That, combined with a semi-sensible diet and the like (no need to go overboard man, just respect that bod a touch) should certainly help you to feel better. It's good that you've already recognised that you've nothing to worry about Darren, so as long as you dont go looking for reasons to worry, you'll be sound as a pound!
Hope that helps in some way man,
Best wishes,

30-03-12, 17:49
Hi Greg, thanks for your comments. I Think it might be the dehydration issues that is the problem. Im just making sure I eat sensibly and regular. I exersize well so thats not an issue. I also take vitamins every day aswell so get enough B vits in my body!

The most frustrating thing is, I know ive nothing to worry about but i do get nervous sometimes over the least little thing. Not having a job and not being around people all day is also a problem.

At least i know the issues and can work on them

Cheers again
