View Full Version : Consistent Headaches, please post if you can help...

29-03-12, 22:37
Hi Everyone,

I've been getting headaches almost everyday for the last three weeks, I went to my GP who told me I as fine and it's just down to anxiety. I saw a clinical phsycologist today too who also said it is most likely the anxiety.

I still need some reassurance though :(

I feel like there is this pressure just right of top dead centre in on my head, and if I go out and not feeling 100% then I get like this squeezing feeling on either side of my head. And if I look up or around quickly then I get like a vertigo feeling.

I'm happy to accept it's anxiety if I could get some reassurance that I'm not the only to experience this and that it will go eventually?

I have been taking paracetomol, which sometimes helps, sometimes doesn't.

I'm not on any other meds, clinical phsycologist suggested anti-depressants to me today for their anxiety relief properties but i declined and said I've come a fair way in a year I want to beat this without meds. He agreed said okay we'll see how I get on.

But please, anyone who can relate to this please post as I need to stop worrying about this and focusing my attention on it or it will stick around for longer :(

Just to add, I have been under a fair amount of stress this last couple of weeks but have never experienced headaches like this before, and I'm moving house on Monday so need to be fairly 'well'...

30-03-12, 18:20
I am the same, i even got my doctor to schedule an MRI for which I am still waiting on results. I have constant pressure in the same place on my head (on the top left) and every now and again a burst of pain which can be dull or sharp and severe. The brain-in-a-vice feeling happens to me when I'm exhausted and can also be accompanied by this really scary 'shaky brain' feeling. I think that is most certainly stress-related! The headaches are probably from muscle tension, or so my doctor told me. Something like 90% of headaches have no organic cause and since my situation seems quite similar to yours I don't think you need to worry and the more you focus your attention on it the worse it will get. Obviously, I'm a compulsive worrier so my only option was making SURE there was nothing else even though I know I'm probably fine. Do whatever you can to reassure yourself, and I completely agree with you about staying away from anti-depressants. Just try to go for walks, exercise, take some time to yourself every once and a while and know that you'll be ok.