View Full Version : Drove 30 miles there - another 30 back!

29-06-06, 21:28
For quite a few weeks I've not been able to get very far away without feeling a lot of anxiety. Anything more than five miles has generally been a no-no.

But on Saturday I travelled the furthest since April (when I took the train to Brussels lol). I went down to a steam railway event - it was their 1940's weekend where a load of people turn up in period costume.

After dealing with that, I needed to stop of in Farnham on the way home to go into the Supermarket - I was not expecting to be witnessing a street carnival at 7pm, but I did!

I've experienced 3 or 4 bad days since then, but want to ovecome the fear and do a similar trip again, probably this weekend. I am prepared for a knock-back after another trip, but that's all part of exposure therapy and I will be strong enough to do things with minimal or no effect in time.

That way I will succeed!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

29-06-06, 22:01
Well done Ray. That was a long trip and a big challenge.

It is great that you are going to repeat the experience this weekend. Good luck with it. You can do it.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

29-06-06, 22:05
WELL DONE RAY!!!!!!!!!Keep up the great work!

Take care



29-06-06, 22:09
hi ray,,

nice one i LOVE readind posts like this one gives me so much inspiration,,

thanks ray and good luck for the weekend,,


better to fight for something than to live for nothing

30-06-06, 07:24
Well done Ray - glad you had such a good day
Love Helen

30-06-06, 09:11

Thats excellent mate. keep up the good work.

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

30-06-06, 09:31
Oh very well done mate - think that is totally smashing!!!

It made me smile to think of you out and about exploring and being amongst people in costume and carnival like - and we think we are the funny ones!!!!! :D:D:D:D

Well done again my friend.

Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

30-06-06, 10:54
thats a great big leap forward not just a step ...lol.
Its great to read positives on here because it gives us all hope and certainly lifts my spirits.Hope you have a great time this weekend:D
take care cheryl xx

30-06-06, 12:50
WOW RAY,that is FABULOUS NEWS!!!Gosh that is sooo brave,were you on your tod??Wow if you can do that there will be no stopping you i am sure,so pleased 4 you.love mary0rose.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

30-06-06, 13:01
Ray that's fantastic! And sounds like good fun!:D:D:D

I still haven't been that far and don't have the time to even try at the moment.... one day[8D]


Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!

30-06-06, 13:56
:D:D How fantastic Ray, what a lovely post to read, keep up the good work, and keep us informed:D:D xxx jean

30-06-06, 17:56
Fantastic news!

Well done :D

Hope you have another successful weekend.

Tammy x

30-06-06, 18:08
Brill news Ray. Do it again soon and your sure to have loads of fun.

Well done


30-06-06, 18:12

Great news to read mate - a big well done to you [8D]

Just remember that if you do it again and it doesn't go so well then it doesn't matter and you can do it again next time.

Stick at it and you will soon widen your boundaries wider.

Well done!


30-06-06, 21:02
Never seen a street carnival[Sigh...]
Did you snap any pics of it??
You will succeed - I just know it ;)[8D]


You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

- Elenor Roosevelt

01-07-06, 09:19
Excellent news Ray! Wishing you repeated success this weekend.

Love India xxx

01-07-06, 09:30
Well done Click, nice to hear you are doing great, wish my exposure therapy could get me into local town or out alone, Brussells would be super.(sprouts [Yeah!][Wow!][Yes!])
Dont think about a knock back, it may not necessarily happen, one day you will do these things and be fine, perhaps that may be this one.
Catch up with you sometime.

01-07-06, 11:09
Hi Ray

I hope it goes well if you are taking yourself on another drive this weekend.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

01-07-06, 12:20
Thanks for all your well wishes.

I really do want to go out this weekend, but don't want to face temperatures of 30 degrees, and I've been sleeping badly and not feeling very awake until the afternoon.

So I'll maybe drive out somewhere about 4pm - but not this afternoon - Come on England!

Cheers All,


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-07-06, 14:28
Yes I think that's wise mate - it will be more pleasent later on when it cools down just a little.

I am torn between Wimbledon and Big Bro at the moment but intend to get out for a walk in between these things. Appalled at myself - I don't really watch much telly as a rule but at the moment almost need two sets!!!!!![:I]:D:D:D

Something I love at the moment is that fact that the ice-cream van comes round. I love the tinkly music and the yummy cone with a flake and lime sauce. I would love to drive a little ice-cream van with that fairy music - and how nice cos everybody is pleased and excited to see you (or is that just me)!!! :D:D:D

Piglet xx

01-07-06, 14:59
LOL pig,

When I was a small boy, we had an old boy who came round with a horse and cart selling ice creams. He didn't have any fairy music but we used to hear the odd naaaaaaaaaaayy as he came round. He didn't have the Mister Softee machine either but he was cheaper than the "pink van man":D

Then one summer he never appeared.......:(

Well, back to the present and I'm going to watch our boys soon. Good job you don't need three tellies and six eyes[:O]


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

01-07-06, 15:40
Go for it Ray !!!! You can do it !! xx Sarah

04-07-06, 14:46
Hi Folks,

Just to update, I made another trip out on Sunday - to Winchester.

To avoid getting stressed out in the heat, I took the train which for me is a 35 minute journey. The air conditioning was lovely!

When I got down there, it wasn't too opressive (between 3 and 5.30) and did pretty well. Felt a bit wobbly on the train coming back, but that was nothing. I was given some good vibes by a friend that evening and so had a really good sleep and Monday went well.

Today, so far has been OK too, but the heat is getting to me!


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

04-07-06, 15:37
WELL DONE RAY, you are doing really well!

Take care



cathy s
04-07-06, 15:40
Well Done

Excellent !!!


06-07-06, 19:48
Great news Ray

You are doing so much more now - so well done you

Big hug


06-07-06, 19:50
Great progress Ray. Well done.


Happiness is not a state to arrive at but a manner of travelling.

You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough ~ Christine Cagney, Cagney & Lacey

07-07-06, 13:09
He he - we'll have to invest in a NMP Ice Cream van for day trips out dontcha think?!!!

Well done for progressing Ray - it's not easy in this heat is it! Thank goodness it has cooled off today - I slept last night for the first time for about 2 weeks!

Winchester is lovely isn't it - I can't wait for my time to start venturing out places...

Keep it up mate!:D:D

Fee xxxxxx

Why live life anticipating the bad things when you could be anticipating the good?
Good and bad things WILL happen!