View Full Version : Help! Tried accepting my anxiety !!

30-03-12, 10:03
I was reading about accepting this awful anxiety yesterday, and thought this morning when i woke yet again with anxiety! im not getting out of bed , im going to lay here and let it do its work and ill just keep telling myself ,ive been here before and it cant hurt me etc....
well i feel like im back at square one! i was thinking alsorts....have i done it wrong???

30-03-12, 10:12
Hi, I don't think it will happen overnight, especially if you have been suffering for a while. It's a case of 'acceptance' which takes time. You are being really positive which is a great start, but remember mind is still 'conditioned' to allowing your anxiety to win. Keep positive, you are doing so well but be patient, it's like re-wiring your brain to accept and over time you will achieve this, one small step at a time. Keep up the good work, you have not done it wrong!! Just keep working at it.
All the best....Kitti :)

30-03-12, 10:16
Rather than "accepting" anxiety, some people say it's better to just acknowledge it then ignore it. So when you wake feeling bad, think to yourself "oh the anxiety is there again" but then just put it to the back of your mind and try and get on with your normal day. I think when we start thinking/ruminating, it can make things worse. I find keeping busy helps. So better to get out of bed and do something. If I lie in bed thinking about how anxious I'm feeling I can get very down as I start thinking I'm never going to get better etc etc.

30-03-12, 10:42
Hi, I don't think it will happen overnight, especially if you have been suffering for a while. It's a case of 'acceptance' which takes time. You are being really positive which is a great start, but remember mind is still 'conditioned' to allowing your anxiety to win. Keep positive, you are doing so well but be patient, it's like re-wiring your brain to accept and over time you will achieve this, one small step at a time. Keep up the good work, you have not done it wrong!! Just keep working at it.
All the best....Kitti :)

Hi Kitti I have asked you this before but I would love for you to help me.

How do you accept having blood pressure and taking pills for it and do you worry when you are feeling axious as I do when I am anxious which is most of the time lately I start worrying my bp will be up then I get in a vicious circle.

You may think this is a silly question but do you do anything ie keep active get angry do all the normal things or do you say oh I can't do this or that because of my bp. as this is what I do I even get scared going keepfit it is so silly as my last reading was 128/80 which is fine and I only take a 5mg of amlodipine. Hope you don't think these questions are silly?

I just find it hard to accept I have it.

Cathy xx

Mo B
30-03-12, 11:13
Hi Cathy

I have taken B/P meds for years and am on three separate tabs! At first I was like you and worried about it but as time went on I realised that the tablets were actually protecting me from a huge rise in BP when i got anxious etc. My B/P now is normally about 110/70 but if Im at docs or any other stressful situation it can go up to 170/95. BUT the doc always assures me that this is OK and it will quickly return to normal when you calm down. It always does. Dont forget that a rise in B/P and pulse rate is completely normal in stressful situations and some peoples goes off the scale . My hubby who has no trouble with his b/p had a reading of 200/110 when he had his eyes lasered! Your body is acting normally just like anyone elses and your reading is excellent anyway. Just try to take your tablet and then forget about it. I know its hard I used to be constantly monitoring my pulse and B/P and was frightened to exert myself. All down to that stupid ANXIETY again. At the moment with my anxiety symptoms ( which are HIGH at the moment as going away on hols with family tonight) Im telling myself RELAX, STOP THINKING SILLY THOUGHTS THAT ARE NOT BASED ON FACT AND ITS ALL ONLY ANXIETY.) The sertraline does help now I think i can feel it keeping my anxiety level down. Hoping for the best. Cathy your B/P is absolutely normal! :hugs:

Mo x

30-03-12, 11:16
Aww don't give up hope, you are doing everything right. I see it the same as if you need to diet. It took years for you to pile the weight on (or negative thought processes), so it can't just go over night, it will take it's time. It will be a battle of the wills, but at the end of the day you are stronger than the anxiety and you will overcome it in time.

Just keep acknowledging and almost laugh at it, and try so hard to see the rational side of things. I have seen mentioned on here before, but I always carry my CBT ABCD form. Where I write the activating event of why I feel anxious, my belief and thought behind it, my feelings and then I dispute the thought and write down something more rational, it is really working for me. So much so I have even laughed at one of my anxious thoughts today because it is actually so utterly ridiculous.

Just give it time, and train your mind, and one day you will look back and realise how stupid the anxiety was, we all just need to get to that stage xxxx

30-03-12, 11:22
Oh Mo great to hear from you and brill advice I will defo keep what you say in my mind.

I bet when you are away you will relax even more I am sure of that.

What dose of sert are you on? I am on 50mg. I am glad they are starting to kick in for you.

and once again thanks for your sound advice. What are we like we make mountains out of molehills all anxiety

Cathy xxx

---------- Post added at 11:22 ---------- Previous post was at 11:19 ----------

Aww don't give up hope, you are doing everything right. I see it the same as if you need to diet. It took years for you to pile the weight on (or negative thought processes), so it can't just go over night, it will take it's time. It will be a battle of the wills, but at the end of the day you are stronger than the anxiety and you will overcome it in time.

Just keep acknowledging and almost laugh at it, and try so hard to see the rational side of things. I have seen mentioned on here before, but I always carry my CBT ABCD form. Where I write the activating event of why I feel anxious, my belief and thought behind it, my feelings and then I dispute the thought and write down something more rational, it is really working for me. So much so I have even laughed at one of my anxious thoughts today because it is actually so utterly ridiculous.

Just give it time, and train your mind, and one day you will look back and realise how stupid the anxiety was, we all just need to get to that stage xxxx

That's sound advice Little madam couldn't agree more.:yesyes:

Cathy xx

Mo B
30-03-12, 12:31
Hi Cathy

Thanks for reply. Im on 50mg like you. Dont really want to up it.
I hope that my anxiety will lessen on hols if I can just get this flight over tomorrow. Must start having positive thoughts about this hol! I did yesterday as anx levels were low amazingly. What a difference when you can change your mood. Wish I could do it to order! Got some diazepam from docs which should help. I might start tonight as we are staying in a M/chr airport hotel tonight before hols. x

30-03-12, 13:01
Hi Kitti I have asked you this before but I would love for you to help me.

How do you accept having blood pressure and taking pills for it and do you worry when you are feeling axious as I do when I am anxious which is most of the time lately I start worrying my bp will be up then I get in a vicious circle.

You may think this is a silly question but do you do anything ie keep active get angry do all the normal things or do you say oh I can't do this or that because of my bp. as this is what I do I even get scared going keepfit it is so silly as my last reading was 128/80 which is fine and I only take a 5mg of amlodipine. Hope you don't think these questions are silly?

I just find it hard to accept I have it.

Cathy xx

Cathy, I agree totally with everything Mo B has said in her post, in fact I could almost have written those words myself. As you know, I too have suffered high BP for many years and take 3 different tablets to control it. And that is exactly what they do. It is controlled and stable and I don't worry about anything regarding my BP because it IS being controlled and fairly stable on the meds. My life is quite stressful and I suffer PA's, I'm pretty sure my BP shoots up at times but I never worry about it and the only thing that stops me from doing anything is this dam anxiety!! You can PM me anytime if you want to talk about it :hugs: Kitti xxx