View Full Version : why am i shaking with anxiety all day every day

30-03-12, 11:08
why am i shaking with anxiety all day every day?
feeling a tad better :)

Mo B
30-03-12, 11:30
Did you start on 40mg? This seems to be a high dose. Or was this an upping of the dose of 20mg. I took Cit years ago which were great for me after the side effects wore off. I took 20mg and was told to up it to 30mg and felt just as you do now so i slowly went back down to 20mg in 5mg steps every couple of days and ended up staying on the 20 for a couple of years and was fine. If you need to up your dosage its easier if you do it in small increases, although it will be quicker if you just take the full dose. What a dilemma. Hope you feel better soon i know how horrible it can be.


30-03-12, 11:33
i stopped taking them 8 months ago and was fine then as my anxiety started the other week took it on myself to start on 40mg took them for 16 days. now been on 20mg since weds advised by gp but i feel so awful....like im back to sqaure one if not worse!!!:lac:

Mo B
30-03-12, 12:21
40 mg was much too high to start. Should be 10mg or 20mg. It will take about a week for the side effects to settle. My doc said to me that its a bit like being on a rollercoaster ride if you up and down the tabs. Hang on in there it will get better. Ive had to go back on tabs . This time the doc has put me on Sertraline as this is supposed to be not as bad for side effects and it hasnt been but I felt just like you at the start and couldnt believe I was back to square one( after several anxiety free years i my case) Im on week 6 now and its just kicking in Hoping for better days. Go and talk to GP for reassurance if you need to. Although I think sometimes they dont know how we feel if they have not been there themselves. Anxiety is a horrible thing but it may not be completely the tabs to blame. We worry so much that we make ourselves much worse i think. My doc has given me some 2mg Diazepam to take when required. This can help for a short time when your anxiety is bad. Just gives you a bit of relief for a while. Some docs wont prescribe these though but its worth asking for a short course. Im going on hols with family tonight abroad and im not good today but will have a diazepam before I fly to take the edge off. x