View Full Version : Can't see an end to it

30-03-12, 11:10
I've had bouts of depression and anxiety since I was 18 (now 36) and even though I have times where I'm more able to cope, I just feel like I will never be rid of it.

I'm having the worst episode of anxiety that I've ever had at the moment. I have councelling and see my doctor regularly but have never had a diagnosis. I feel like I want answers as to what my condition is. I feel fobbed off but daren't ask in case they have a go at me.

Anyone else feel like this?

30-03-12, 11:35
pmd you! x

30-03-12, 15:32
Hi JoJoR

I am 38 and feel the same way. All I keep getting told is I more anxious than "normal" people. I feel depressed along with my anxiety and it seems to be getting worse. I just agree all the time as well, I have had around 8 different Anti Depressants/ Anti Anxiety tablets over the last 8 years. I recently had a terrible episode at Christmas the worse yet. I still feel there has not been a proper diagnosis. I have had some counselling and CBT as well. Maybe it is GAD but it would be good to get a confirmed diagnosis. So you are not alone. Good luck anyway ......:)

30-03-12, 17:45
Hey jojo,

I can totally relate to how your feeling. Although I'm only young I have been suffering for almost 10 years now and I have never even come close to a diagnosis. I also ffind myself just nodding along when really I'm thinking 'what?! no! just tell me whats wrong with me and help me fix it!'. It seems people who suffer from anxiety are left to conquer it themselves. I wish you luck trying to get a diagnosis and stay positive!

Feel free to message me whenever,


01-04-12, 18:04
Thanks folks, its good to know that I'm not being silly wanting an explanation for what's matter with me. Sometimes I think maybe its all in my head and I'm making it worse than it really is.... then I have a terrible day and think that I really am struggling. Today I've been really badly anxious and tearful, last nights sleep was fitfull with nightmares that are still upsetting even now. I feel like an attention seeking pain in the bum if I tell anyone so I've stopped. I just cannot see how this feeling will ever really be gone for good. I hurt my ankle last week and then got so upset saying that my councellor is giving me false hope that things will be ok, my life will never just be ok.... and I think I really believe it.