View Full Version : Yay to a small break through

30-03-12, 11:30
Hey everyone,

So I have been so depressed, anxious, suicidal, had a break down during the week, have been to the docs to change my meds as the Citalopram wasn't working, really really could not bare to live on this planet.

And what a difference a day makes. I am in a new relationship (6 months) and am glad I told him early on I'm a sufferer. Last night I sat him down and told him about my bad week, and asked him for support if I needed it and that at the moment I was finding things hard.

The way he responded was amazing (after so many people never caring), he said he would be there for me no matter what, and the second I start to feel bad to call him and he will be straight there for me. Just wow. Knowing that he wants to support me is such a weight off my shoulders as I have always tried to hide the bad bits from him.

Soooooo, sorry I am rambling, but today, I actually managed to laugh at one of my anxieties! First time ever :yesyes:

It was that my BF is seeing my neighbour behind my back, and that he meant to send a message to her instead of me (which looking at it blatantly wasnt). I chuckled and chuckled that I could even think that, it just goes to show, how over reactive the anxiety is, and how it seems so real, but today, and hopefully more days these things only exist as an illusion from an ugly and negative force that can and will be beaten



30-03-12, 12:49
Hi Littlemadam, WOW!! well done you....brilliant news. It really does help so much to have a supportive and understanding partner. Mine is the same, it was hard for him at first, but we have been through this journey together and I can honestly say I don't know where I'd be without his support. It really does help. Sometimes it's not easy to bare you soul, but I have found that talking about things and not hiding it is a form of acceptance in itself. I'm so glad you are feeling good today. You will have ups & downs, but that is normal, but it will be so comforting for you to know that your BF is there for you all the way.I'm glad that you can laugh at yourself too. Stay positive :hugs: and that big WOOOO HOOOO is definitley deserved!!
Kitti xx

02-04-12, 10:40
Hi Kitti,

I hope you had an awesome weekend and are all good.

Thank you for the kind words, yes it really did feel like a huge weight was lifted when I told him, to face those anxieties by telling him I think really did give them less power as he can now understand :D

Thanks for your post hunny!


07-04-12, 23:34
Aww that's really nice. It's lovely to know that you are cared for, isn't it? Hope your happiness continues for a long, long time! :D