View Full Version : Smear test at 4:20 terrified!

30-03-12, 15:00
Off for my 3 yearly soon and I'm terrified:weep:.
I seem to have got myself more worked up than usual this time to the point I'm so sure something will be wrong due to the ovulation and pelvic pain I've been getting each month!?
I have been scanned twice since I had my twins nearly 7 years ago showing fibroids and a bulky uterus last scan was 2.5 years ago maybe I mite ask for another one I case they have grown and that's what is causing me the monthly discomfort .....
Trouble is they struggle to see my ovarys which is what my latest ha is all about the big OC! Anyone else had scans where they can't see the ovarys to well I'm letting myself believe if there was a problem with then then they would scream out on a scan not stay hidden????
Well wish me luck

30-03-12, 15:18
I just wanted to reply... but cant offer much advice as i havent had the probs you have.
So good luck anyway xx

30-03-12, 15:50
Let us know how you got on--I hate these -also if the nurse doesn't say anything it is so scary -why she not speaking? what has she seen ?
Hope all is well

30-03-12, 21:10
Hi Hun hope it all went ok for I've got mine this year n I'm dredding it I proper fear the worst I always get ovulating pains n discomfort n I've been scanned 3 times I also had a massive freak out about oc but apparently our ovaries are only tiny so its probably just hard to find them my scan also showed up I have fibroids n I freak out about that every now n then but I think they are harmless aren't they anyway I hope your ok I'm sure you will xx