View Full Version : Looking for things to worry about

29-06-06, 23:13
Hi there - after a lengthy absence from the forum, during which I really thought I was getting back on track, I have suddenly gone through a spate of attacks.

Worse than those - because those I can understand and rationalise and manage - is the return of the health anxiety. I find I have been obsessing about my health again, and LOOKING for things to worry. Its ridiculous but I can't stop.

Yesterday I was in the doctors office in tears getting some moles checked (I have had a cancerous mole in the past, which causes me to be super paranoid). Doc said all was fine. So why don't I believe her?

I need help in managing my thoughts, because its become all consuming. And there I thought I'd come so far.


polly daydream
30-06-06, 00:21
Hi leigh, have you ever concidered CBT, I know several people who have tried this with great success, I'm even concidering it myself. I know you have had a bad experience with moles being cancerous but try not to worry, remember the doctor is a professional and knows what she is looking for, so have some faith. I'm sure you are absolutely fine. If you are still worried perhaps seek a second opinion.

Take care,


april tones
30-06-06, 00:24
Hiya leah!
snap! same here chick! i had big panic attack today xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

30-06-06, 01:39
Hi Polly - Funny you should mention CBT. I have been thinking about that a lot today. And then my sister mentioned it. And now you. So it must be a sign.

I will investigate my options here in Australia. Thanks for the advice.


30-06-06, 19:11

Read this post it may cheer you up ..



01-07-06, 01:50
Hi Nicola - Thank you for that. Its so true!