View Full Version : Can acid relflux make your chest hurt??

31-03-12, 08:08
Hi ive come to the conclusion I must be suffering from acid reflux, the only thing is my breast bone/ collarbone feels sore when I press it but I'm
Not sure if I'm making it like that by keep checking it if it hurts also when I really breath out hurt, it's like i have to breathe out the pain, I think I'm just ovt reacting about it, I'f I knew 100 % it wasn't me having a heart attack it's the sort of thing I could ignore its not that bad :-( getting over anxious about nothing!:-(

31-03-12, 08:14

I've never had acid reflux but I have seen a few comments on here about people suffering pains with it...

If you click search forum and enter acid reflux, Mark topic title only then you may find some better information on what others experience.

Sorry I couldn't advise more


31-03-12, 08:17
Leanne I had the same thing it was caused by stress of a job and I thought it was my heart but it was acid reflux and my chest was sore and it was like swallowing cut glass but I did take myself off to a&e a few times until a great gp there gave me ant acids and it sorted it for me but I was in agony and the more I focused on my chest the more it hurt.

You need to see your gp who will advise you.

Cathy xx