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View Full Version : Here we go again, this time toenail issues or more lacktherefore of

rock chick
31-03-12, 09:40
Long post because I want to explain the situation in detail.

Okay here's the back story:

For years I've probably had some sort of fungal infection in at least both my big toenails and probably their beds as well. I honestly didn't notice it until last year when one of my toenails looked awful.

So it being just 1 that looked dodgy I assumed it was caused by some damage that I'd forgotten about. The doctor said it was probably fungal and I had clippings taken to get tested. The waiting for results took months and then they came back showing nothing. I felt so confused and annoyed! I was told I should try again and get the tests to be pushed to take longer next time to see if the stuff could be cultivated because it was very likely fungal and I couldn't get prescription stuff I needed for it without knowing the actual name of it.

Since I'd probably had it for ages at that point over the counter stuff was unlikely to be helpful enough, I should have gone for another test but I put it off, started to even doubt it was likely fungal and basically thought if they tried for ages before and couldn't find something what would be different this time?

This year I noticed my other big toenail was getting slowly to where the other 1 was and even though it seemed strange to just be visibly affecting my big toenails I now realised it was probably fungal.

Fast forward to very recently:
The nasty toenail came clean off by itself, it had already starting coming apart from the bed of the toe and was what you'd call a thickened toenail (the other 1 is now also and looks like it might sooner or later come off as well).

So it's not very sore or too nasty looking but it's stressing me out and losing the other 1 eventually is too!

So I've got a few questions for anybody who might have had this occur though it probably isn't common.

How careful and possibly painful is it to walk around much in shoes like runners without a toenail(s)? I've been putting off going out because it worries me, that and I know freak out about damaging it and making it worse now the toenail isn't there to protect the bed.

Once the fungal is treated does the toenail ever grow back (I have actually kept said toenail so they can use the whole thing to test because I just want to get rid of the fungal!)?

Is there anything like fake toenails or something similar that can be used for support to the area?

I'm gonna go and the see the doctor and ask them quite a bit about this sort of thing next week but the concept of never having toenails back or getting ingrown ones freaks me out and I'm finally going out tomorrow and am stressed about how careful I need to be walking and will it hurt?

I already am careful about not putting too much pressure on the area and not knocking it, also it now hurts just a bit after I'd had a shower but it seemed to happen when I put socks on, probably the top part of the sock is a bit stiff or something.

31-03-12, 10:09

Can't comment on the fungal nail situation as I've never had this before.

I'm pretty sure your nail will grow back though..when I was younger I tripped on something in the garden and literately ripped my little toenail it was hanging off, I had to do a dance thing for school in the afternoon and was in agony! But it grew back, just kept a bandage on it to protect.

Do you have any pain with it?


---------- Post added at 10:09 ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 ----------

Sorry just notice you said it hurt:::maybe try padding it with a small bandage etc etc this will avoid any rubbing against the area...

Flip flops may be a good idea also x

rock chick
31-03-12, 10:12
Thanks for the advice. That sounds so horrible, sorry you went through agony!

Gonna consider the bandage idea, don't have any but I might be able to get some, the pain is very mild and more like discomfort than pain.

I don't feel comfortable going outside wearing shoes like thongs and I prefer to wear socks most of the time so that's not going to work, man some areas can be like a playground for breaking glass bottles or something from what I've seen.

I'm overreacting I know, it just feels so weird!

31-03-12, 17:08
Hi again

Do you have any softer shoes, ie ugg style boots or ballet pumps...I think the reason it killed me as I was wearing boots, it was country dancing so the friction was a little too much....

If it's not too bad pain wise maybe even try a plaster, stick a little antiseptic cream...not too much so the plaster doesn't move, these are short term things so you can get out.

The best thing is to obv let air get to your toe as the warmth and moist will only help the bacteria grow as they thrive in this,..


01-04-12, 01:56
Hello. I know lots about toenails coming off, but little about fungal infections. Up until last year, every year I would do a 27 mile sponsored hike across the downs for charity. At the end, I would generally lose 4 toenails.

When one comes off, youll notice that a new one starts growing. Even though you might naturally assume the new one will grow from the root, it doesnt. Actually what happens is a new layer grows, thats toenail shaped and slowly gets thicker... once its thick, it grows from the nail bed again.

When the nail is off, the thought of it uusually makes people squirm, but the toe isnt unprotected in the way you would think. The fine layer that comes up is protective enough, and very rarely do you feel any soreness or tenderness. At most you usually get lots of dry skin from what used to surround the nail.

With toenais missing, I have done many a festival, in fliplops, wellies, trainers and boots and spent a lot of time walking. I do not think ther is any harm in you doing anything youd normally do. The body tends to heal itself.

Its also worth adding this.... you say that no fungus was actually confirmed.... well is it possible that your big toenail pushes against the inside of the top of your shoe as you walk/run. This is quite common. If you run or walk a lot and your trainers are done up tight and your nail presses against the top of the shoe, or if your toenail is slightly too long, it can cause pressure on the root every time the toenail pushes. This often results in the nail spontaneously turning black and falling off. If this were the case, that would justify the reason why it only affects your big toes. I know this happens because its happened to me, twice.

rock chick
01-04-12, 06:30
Thanks a lot for explaining how the toenails grow back so if it does I'll be able to work out it's not becoming strange or something.

Well I went out and the other toenail that's dodgy was actually more annoying so yeah I was overreacting and don't need any padding at the moment, just need to be careful not to knock it or put much pressure on it. Kinda waiting for the other 1 to go but it's not like I'm wanting it to happen soon or anything.

About the whether it's fungal or not, I am still confused but figured I might as well get them to test again in case I do. The thing is the thickened nail part is classic of fungal infections but then again I have issues with my big toenails pushing against my shoes (have issues generally finding ones that fit well) so it's more just a matter of waiting for the next set of results and seeing if they find anything. I actually don't wear shoes often because I don't go out much.

What seems really annoying and people probably know the feeling is not knowing for sure so I can do something about it. After all if it is a fungal thing I need to be careful not exposing my feet near people because of it being contagious (not a likely thing for me but still something to consider).