View Full Version : does dreams bother u the next day?

31-03-12, 11:10
hi does any one have dreams and the next day it seems to bother you and think why did i have that dream and does it mean anything as i had a dream last nite and today i cant stop thinking about it it wasnt abad dream but its always about my eyes but i cant stop thinking about it and keep trying to analize it and thinking is it trying to tell me something and when i think of it it makes me anxiouse . is it just anxiety ?

31-03-12, 12:17
Sometimes. but remember they mean nothing. as its just your brain sorting through your thoughts and cataloguing them if you like. Don't put any meaning on dreams. I had a dream once that posh spice was cutting keys at the top of my stairs. What does that mean? Nothing!

So just see them as miss firing in the brain thats all it is.

Also we remember them more as most anx people dont enter full REM sleep we stay in the dream stage. so we remember more.

31-03-12, 15:17
Yes I think it is completely normal and understandable to dwell on dreams sometimes. We all have bad ones, sometimes we have good ones too which stay in the mind. I wouldn't try and over analyse them. Dreams are very subjective and individual to all of us, but are often very symbolic and shouldn't be taken literally (or indeed seriously). Try and keep focused on the fact it was just a dream, it can't hurt you.

31-03-12, 15:23
I have very vivid dreams just about every night, about all sorts of things but usually unpleasant unfortunately. I sometimes find it very difficult to forget about them the following day and can be affected by them for several days. I try to distract myself in this situation and think about other things, or do other things. As others have already said, it's important to remember that dreams aren't reality and once you wake up, they're gone :)