View Full Version : panic and panic in waves

april tones
29-06-06, 23:26
I have done another post on this but no replies yet
It is so horrible! why does it suddenly just come back and hit you!!

I am getting it in waves today, know what i mean? when it keeps coming and yuo can feel it

Doesnt help as i worry about sunstroke then someone on another site said maybe i had it thats why i felt ill
That has got me panicking! i dont sit in it, i only pop out and walk where ever i need to, i drink plenty etc
is anyone going through same or want to talk ? x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

marie ross
29-06-06, 23:34
Hi April,

I know how you are feeling, i'm going through a bad time of it at the moment also. I've been having constant waves of panic that i hav'nt experienced for years, and like you they've come out of nowhere and knocked me off my feet.

All day yesterday i was a wreck, i could'nt leave the house i was that scared. At long last i'm starting to feel a bit normal again (compared to the last 2 days!!!).

I know its a horrible thing to happen to you, when you hav'nt had panic attacks for so long, but it will pass, give it time and you will be feeling much better soon.

I wish i could tell you why they keep coming back after you've been doing so well, the nasty little things just like to show their face every now and then to keep you on your toes.

Hope your're feeling better soon, are you ok now???

Marie XXX

april tones
29-06-06, 23:40
Hi marie! thanks for reply!
Im ok now just feeling really breathless again, you know when you have to keep overbreathing
I havent felt like this for a while apart from few days before im due on i normally get them!
I hate feeling breathless, i had this last yr when moving house as i was really stressed, we moving again as we have our house of our dreams now!
I wasnt feeling stressed today, little upset and tired maybe as i shouted at my son and felt bad!
Im getting the avoidance thoughts, you know the ones that if you dont go out you will feel safe!
Not nice!!!
i wont go there as no way am i getting agrophobic with a little toddler to look after!
I felt like i was getting like it last yr and i had to do the thing where you expose your self to your fears! it worked and i got better, with help of bach remedies also
thanks again xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

marie ross
29-06-06, 23:47
Hi April

I was breathless a lot yesterday also, it took me a long time to calm down and i was really shook up because its been over a year since i've felt so bad. Everything you learn from experience just goes out the window!!!

I also had the avoidance thoughts last night, thinking theres no way i can take the kids to school and then go to work, but i made myself do it. Can't say i enjoyed it, but i got through it.

It's just a little blip, a lot of people here seem to have them every now and then. It's good that you're not letting this get to you (hard to do!!!) and carrying on as normal. You've felt good before and you will again.

I think its our bodies way of telling us to calm down, take it easy for a while. Just chill on the sofa with a sneaky glass of wine!!! (Thats my idea of heaven!!!!)

Take care.

Marie XXX

april tones
29-06-06, 23:59
Hi marie

Thats exactly right! i feel close to balling my eyes out with frustration and ehy me thoughts!
I know i could be worse of but fear of losing control is my biggest fear! xx

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

30-06-06, 06:37
Hi Marie and April

I am sure the humidity and intenseness of the air doesnt help - my friend and I at work both felt really breathless and headachy and sick yesterday and even tho we stoood in front of our desk fan for some of the day we def. couldnt get much air in - I think the 30 degree heat (which I am dreading over the weekend) and the lack of air and closeness of the air makes us anxious people feel a million times worse - what do you think? does that make sense to you -
I really dread the really hot humid weather of the summer - roll on the cooler days!!!

Take care - lots of love Wenjoy xxx

30-06-06, 09:04

Yes I went through that sensation a couple of weeks ago when it was warm. I tend to keep going and forget to have a drink. My husband is always telling me that I don't drink enough (water that is not anything any stronger!!) I now keep a bottle of water handy and keep filling it up so that I know how much I am drinking.

Jenny xxxx

30-06-06, 09:13
I feel poo today too.
Feel sick and panicky. Didnt want to go to work but am here and just feel so tense and horrible
I have a fear of being sick soI feel totally stressed out!

I have been doing ok for a while now, but what with the wedding only a week away, it just seems to be getting worse!

Hay x

30-06-06, 10:51
Hi April Tones,

Anxiety waves, horrible!! I hope you're feeling better now. I always try and do something physically active or at least something to do with my hands - I did a lot of sewing on a long car trip once - so I can channel all the excess energy somewhere.

As for sun/heat sroke, I'm Australian and come summer time and the intense heat I've seen a lot of people suffer from heat anxiety. They've rushed off crowded trains in a state of distress, or I've sen people sitting hunched up on benches getting glasses of water bought to them by guards.

The bottom line is they've all been physically fine, except for being a little dehydrated. The combination of overcrowding and hot, hit airlessness is horrible but well understood cause of discomfort and anxiety. It's very common for people to stay late or go to the pub after work in the middle of summer, until things become cooler and public transport less crowded. Similarly, to avoid going out in the sun in the middle of the day.

It's a way of life in Australia, but I imagine harder to get used to here (I'm based in the UK now) because your intense hot days are shorter and English homes are just not that well equipped for keeping out the heat (given English winters, they're designed to keep heat in!).

Maybe you could carry a bottle of water with you whenever it's hot? And keep in mind places where you can quickly cool down - toilets are always cooler and big shops/pubs are sometimes air conditioned.

L xx

april tones
30-06-06, 12:14
Ah thanks guys! didnt expect all these replys!
It isnt nice is it, i woke up today and have felt loads better, a new day should really help!
yes i wanted the summer so bad as i believe i suffer s.a.d now im looking forward to cooler days xx cant win! ha ha x
thanks all of you for messages and louisey
Hayles, not long till wedding then! gosh! im stressed as m,oving house so know what its like x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com