View Full Version : New to this site and need reassurance

31-03-12, 12:22

Im new to this, and have found this site a great help, to know that i'm not alone. I suffer with Anxiety mainly Health Anxiety and have suffered panic attacks off and on since 1996. To this day I still convince myself that i'm dying and just when I seem to feel better bang it comes back. My symptoms are;
Head pressure
Tingling in head
Strange vision (blurry, Flickering & floaters)
Sensations of being pulled to one side
Palps, ectopics
Chest pain and tightness
Tingling in hands and feet
I can't bare to be alone in case i pass out and no one finds me (especially when it's just me and my little boy)
Scared of driving alone, just in case i pass out.

I wish these feelings would just go. They also seem to get worse if i hear of someone dying too.

Thanks for reading this.
Honey xx

31-03-12, 12:23
Hi honeyb

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

31-03-12, 13:17
Hi Honeyb and welcome

I can relate to many of the same symptoms you listed and was also sure that I was dying, had all different bloodtests done, ECG and MRI but they couldn't fine anything wrong with me. I have to admitt that it has taken me a long time to come to terms with the fact that it is anxiety.

Fear is a strange thing, it sometimes pop up when we least expect it and throws for a loop. I was even afraid of feeling afraid. I have come to realize that it all starts with the thought we choose to entertain and then start dwell on. I find that if I stay positive and focused on other things I feel much better.

Glad you have found this site helpful.

31-03-12, 15:06
Hi Honey and :welcome:

You're in good company here with the symptoms you're describing - they are typical of the anxiety symptoms most of us face.

Look through some threads on here and take some reassurance that you're far from alone.

Take care

Pip xx

31-03-12, 15:55
Heya honeyb,

I think we have spoken on chat a couple of times. I can relate to worrying about passing out as I have that fear too. I often avoid leaving the house when I'm feeling anxious in case I pass out or feel sick for a long time. The fear of fear has also held me back as I worry about worrying. Its a vicious cycle and a difficult one to break. Just know your not alone and stay positive!

Feel free to message me any time,


31-03-12, 17:29
Hi Honey,
I can relate so much to your post. I have exactly the same symptoms as you nd I have suffered for 5 years. Sometimes I don't want to go anywhere as I'm so scared I will pass out or have a heart attack. I just think of my children, can't bear the thought of leaving them. I have been told its anxiety, sometimes I have a few good days then bam it's a nightmare and every day becomes a struggle. But this site shows us that we are not alone and there are many people just like us. We just have to stay strong and get though this dreaded nightmare that is anxiety I'm sure we will too . Xx

02-04-12, 08:18
Hi honey,

I too have had lots of your symptoms and I have been really scared there's something seriously wrong with me, I'm finding it really hard to except that it's anxiety that's making me feel this way.
Recently I ve been to the doctors who has given me some sertraline and referred me for some CBH, I m hoping this will help me as I really dont want to spend the rest of my like like this, I feel like I'm missing out in so much with the kids cause I feel so worried all the time.

This site as been a great helping me realise I am not alone.

Take care xxx

02-04-12, 15:11
Hi Honey,

Welcome to the site, everyone are so lovely and helpful!!

I was like you a few months ago and couldn't be alone watching my little boy in the fear that I would pass out!! Just wanted to let you know there's light at the end of the tunnel and now everyday I am alone with him with no fear or panic, you will get there!!

Take care

Kendra x

10-04-12, 09:53
Thanks for all your comments, i'm so glad i have found this site.

---------- Post added at 09:53 ---------- Previous post was at 09:49 ----------

Thanks for all your comments, it's such a comfort to know that i'm not alone. I wish it would just go though.