View Full Version : Bowel obstruction

31-03-12, 16:07
I was up to 4am last night googling this and just can't relax ..this health anxiety is really kicking in again I feel I have everything wrong with me..how do I cope? :weep:

31-03-12, 16:53
do you have any symptoms as such? xx

31-03-12, 17:04
do you have any symptoms as such? xx

What symptoms would they be?

I posted here too about my issue: http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=112675

It's more a long term worry if I don't poo in the morning and leave it until later in the day it may harm me?

31-03-12, 17:11
I wouldn't worry too much about 'holding it in'. Most people work 8+ hour shifts without going (as many like I don't like the thought of going at work!!), so it's normal to not go all day. I don't poo in the mornings, it's generally when I get home from work and sometimes not until I go to bed. Your body will tell you when you need to go. I don't think you can cause any damage by holding for a few extra hours - the whole point of all those muscles in our bowels is so that we can do this. Talk to your GP if you want any more advice but you have nothing to worry about :) xxxx

31-03-12, 17:19
I wouldn't worry too much about 'holding it in'. Most people work 8+ hour shifts without going (as many like I don't like the thought of going at work!!), so it's normal to not go all day. I don't poo in the mornings, it's generally when I get home from work and sometimes not until I go to bed. Your body will tell you when you need to go. I don't think you can cause any damage by holding for a few extra hours - the whole point of all those muscles in our bowels is so that we can do this. Talk to your GP if you want any more advice but you have nothing to worry about :) xxxx

Well that's true but my big issue is this so called IBS makes me need so often. I forced myself to go last night as I had the cramp and I had this health anxiety but it was all constipation. It's really confusing I'm not able to cope with these bowel issues because I'm constantly thinking about them. It's surviving going out I was housebound for months with worry until I decided to try and go out and reassure myself there's toilets.

31-03-12, 17:23
Trust your body, when you feel like you have to go then go, but don't force it if you don't really need to. Our bodies are very intelligent things, telling us when we need to drink, eat, go to the toilet and also sleep. Your subconscious will always override your conscious mind, when your body HAS to go it will tell you. If you do feel constipated have you tried drinking some mint tea? It does really help when you have cramps, or some flat Coca Cola? I know this is all easier said than done but trust your body

31-03-12, 17:28
Phil - I replied on your other post

Just go when you need to go - don't force it!

31-03-12, 17:39
Trust your body, when you feel like you have to go then go, but don't force it if you don't really need to. Our bodies are very intelligent things, telling us when we need to drink, eat, go to the toilet and also sleep. Your subconscious will always override your conscious mind, when your body HAS to go it will tell you. If you do feel constipated have you tried drinking some mint tea? It does really help when you have cramps, or some flat Coca Cola? I know this is all easier said than done but trust your body

Oddly when I push my tongue at the back of my teeth it makes me need or if I kneel I also need..is it some sort of tension?

I have ocd and anxiety so trust is really hard..I don't trust my judgment or body. Like I say maybe in a two month spell I've went three times at work but I only work a few days per week. I rarely feel constipated as such I do normally go in a day very few days I don't go.

But I can easily find myself rooted to the toilet with frequent urination, alot of diarrhea or sometimes nothing that's when my anxiety likes telling me to keep going even if there's nothing there.

I think everytime I take a bowel movement I get an anxiety attack of some sort fearing mess, or before it maybe fearing incontinence, but not gong atall makes me fear this..bit of a cycle.

31-03-12, 17:40
Hi, I can totally relate as I used to have health anxiety and can understand how it's hard to 'not worry' about these things as you truely do believe there is something wrong! The amount of times I have been to the doctors worrying about my health I should have a membership card! I also have a phobia about going to the toilet for a poo when out and about and I always force myself to go before hand and panic if I don't do so... this is definately NOT good! I have learnt the hard way and now I'm suffering with piles from all the straining! So try to stop doing this as it's really not good (I'm trying but there are some days you just can't help it). Also, please don't google! I ALWAYS used to do this and in most cases it would make me panic more, instead do a for and against list i.e For - I have stomach ache, I must have an illness, Against - I just ate so that's probably the reason behind the stomach ache etc...
I know it's easier said than done though! Good luck :)