View Full Version : Old Vet at Anxiety

31-03-12, 19:48
I have had anxiety off and on for over 30 years. Dispite this condition, i have lived a pretty normal life.

My anxiety has always hit me after stressfull periods or life changes. some episodes last about a month or longer and the severity differs depending on the stress level.

For me, panic attacks are not about physical health. It is more about control and fear of losing my mind (although I never have). An attack for me begins in my stomach with aches followed by an adreniline rush that spreads throughout my body. This is followed by derealization and weirdness. After these attacks, I worry constantly, feel lost and find it very difficult to keep from worrying whether I am going crazy or not.

I have beat this condition many times and always believe that I have it beat and it will never return only to be blindsided at some time. I was once anxiety free for 6 years.

Please post a reply if you have similiar anxiety.

31-03-12, 19:54
Hi joefoo

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

31-03-12, 20:00
Hi joefoo, I suffer from many of those symptoms too, and my difficult times are intermittent. I've only been on here a few days and already have found the supportive nature of the members to be quite overwhelming. They're a good bunch!

Sarah x

31-03-12, 20:22
Hi Joe and :welcome:

Most of what you wrote I could have written myself. I've suffered from anxiety for thirty years and have managed to continue to function - jobs, relationships etc. I have ups and downs but, unlike you, I've never really been free from it for any great period.

My symptoms vary but, when I have a severe anxiety attack, it also starts in my stomach (a knotted feeling) and then spreads upwards like a hot wave. My heart starts pounding, I get shaky and start sweating - typical adrenalin-related symptoms. At the same time, every slightest noise startles me and I can't think straight or concentrate on anything.

It sounds like you have strategies to cope with this most of the time. It would be interesting to hear how you do this. You're obviously feeling quite anxious at the moment as you've come onto here. Anything in particular triggered it this time?

Take care

Pip x