View Full Version : Anxiety or kidney infection?!

31-03-12, 20:02
Help! im really scared right now! basically it started wednesday because i was worrying my arm felt tingly then thurdsay i felt chills all down my back to my legs friday chills again then i started to feel abit sick every now and again then today my back has started to hurt and because im so scared i think im making things worse my legs keep shaking and also i only have one kidney so thats why im so scared i cant get to a doctor till monday cause their not open at the weekends please help!!!!!! :'( :weep:

31-03-12, 20:29
Hi it sounds more like anxiety, but if you are worried its always good to see your GP for reasurrance. I too was worried about chills as ive had them everyday for the last 3 months teamed with back pain that comes and goes. I sometimes feel sick too as well as many other symptoms. I always try and team my symptoms with an illness. This week i forgot about some symptoms as new ones developed, and thats when i realised. When i stop worrying about them they dissapear, the more i become anxious about them the longer they stay. My back pain dissapeared this week after 3 months of focusing on it. If you feel worse over the weekend you can always go to a walk in center to see somebody. xx:)

31-03-12, 20:58

I agree with Kelly, they sound like anxiety but if they carry on, it's best to check with your GP.

Try your best to distract yourself and make a conscious effort to relax your muscles. It's likely that your worrying is causing you to become very tense which will give you backache. Also, the more you worry, the more your mind thinks there's really something wrong which increases your adrenalin levels giving you the shakes etc.

It's not easy but you can overcome it!

Take care

Pip x

31-03-12, 21:33
The backache is only on the left side and it is just above my bum and it sometimes travels up where my kidney is i cant seem to calm myself down :/ and it all came from google because i put my symptoms in and it kept coming up kidney infection :/ now i keep thinking im gona drop down dead :/

31-03-12, 23:05
Hi there,

You're bound to worry about this having only 1 kidney but it does sound like anxiety. See how you go - if it gets really painful, contact NHS Direct.

Take care and let us know how you get on.

Pip x

01-04-12, 13:09
I will do :) well im ringing up the doctors as soon as they open to see if they can get me in on the same day so fingers crossed :)