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View Full Version : I am really confused.

30-06-06, 00:26
The thoughts I have are really messed up, and they change around a lot. I am very confused with what to do. I am looking for a natural method to do this but everything I am reading says take this but don't mix with anything else, or take this but take with that and there are just so many I don't know what to start with. I haven't tried swallowing pills in a while and I get anxious about that... which makes me feel more doubt about being able to because of the physical symptoms which is why I haven't tried things like St. John's Wort and other homeopathic things.. I am just too on edge to swallow pills, but I know that is in my head and I would probably be able to if I just let myself relax [heh]. Anyway. I've been reading about Dr. Mary Reed who is convinced that OCD is caused by a thin myelin sheathing and that we must take Flax Seed Oil to recover it as well as cleanse our livers. Apparently she has treated hundreds of OCD sufferers in this way.. & I'd love to try it but then what if it doesn't work?

I need something to work, I feel like I am losing my mind. I can't go through a single day without my head racing with either totally weird things or just constant thinking [like talking to myself in my head usually]. I am trying to hard and everyone around me keeps saying that I'm doing so well and I'm trying but every morning I wake up after a fitful night of very little sleep and everything hurts and I want to hide in the blankets forever and just die there. I force myself to get dressed and get up though I have not much to get up for [professionally speaking]. & I try to fill my day doing things that aren't just sitting around because I've had tendencies to do that in the past. It's like anxieties and fears keep piling up and one worry never fully goes away. I don't know what the point of living is going to be if I can't even think and feel like a normal person.

So often I just wish things were like they were before, but before was the same. I was always either depressed, or suffering social anxiety, or suffering intrusive thoughts, or suffering from fear that __ was going to happen to me, and I am just so sick and tired of it. Why are there so few success stories out there to fill me with hope? I don't want to worry anymore. But this is me now...

I even cut out caffiene and reduced my intake of unnatural sugars. I still smoke, I don't know how not to.

I know everyone has their problems. And I try to tell myself well at least I am not living on the side of the road or at least I still have hope deep down, and at leas tI have a supportive family and a boyfriend who keeps showing me he isn't going anywhere. & it's good enough to make me want to live through the day. but living within myself each day, having this stuff continuously run through my head.. as if I were some kind of monster. I am such a timid person. I don't even harm bugs. Why should I think such disgusting thoughts? I know we aren't supposed to question them. I know we are supposed to just stop being afraid of them.. I did that for a while, but they still came whenever they wanted to.

My last resort is meds. I had been on meds for 8 years, and I am only 24. Strange how I developed the Obsessive thoughts when I had stopped taking Paxil for a week many years ago. Sometimes I want to blame Paxil for that. But I don't know anything and no one knows anything 100% about this stuff. I wish someone could tell me. I mean with absolute certainty what caused it and how to get rid of it. But they can't. And here I am, begging for something to hold on to, begging for a reason to keep me going through each day, something to think about so I don't have to think about this.

I'm sorry this ended up being so full of venting and frustration and sadness. There aren't many other places I can talk about this. I think my family just want to hear that I'm doing okay, they don't want to hear about how crazy I feel. I envy them for having normalcy. There is nothing documented in my family's history of any type of mental illness.. but I'm sure it would be shameful

30-06-06, 13:19
Hi there,

what has helped me and really turned my life around with obsessive thinking is that I'm not alone. For years I agonised I was really a monster or terrible person, and I nearly wept with joy the first time i found a message forum like this and realised I wasn't alone and that I wasn't really an evil person.

My psychologist from a few years back gave me a great list of 10 most common inappropriate thoughts reported by non-clinical subjects - ie. people who had these thoughts but didn't worry about them. They included all the classics like inappropriate sexual thoughts and thoughts of violence to oneself and others.

All very normal for everyone, she said. Difference is we obsessive thinkers - who are incidentally usually often highly sensitive, inteligent and overly emphatic people - stop to question 'why did i think that?' 'what does that say about me?' and the next thing you know we can't get it out of our minds. It goes on loop tape.

The other thing that helps me is that the patterns of obsessive thoughts come and go. When I'm having a bad spell of obsessive thinking I think about what's causing it - examples have been the stress of moving out of home for the first time with a flamboyant girlfriend, moving to the UK and exam stress. I can still have bad thoughts occur when I'm perfectly happy and content, too. But they don't stay with me as long.

The thought 'what if nothing works?' is a horrible idea that's probably entered the OCD thinking cycle. It sounds like you're going through a really hard patch of OCD and are utterly fed up with it. Are there any lifestyle factors - stressful or unhappy situations - that could be particularly feeding your OCD monster at the moment?

L x

01-07-06, 18:02
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Hi there,

what has helped me and really turned my life around with obsessive thinking is that I'm not alone. For years I agonised I was really a monster or terrible person, and I nearly wept with joy the first time i found a message forum like this and realised I wasn't alone and that I wasn't really an evil person.

My psychologist from a few years back gave me a great list of 10 most common inappropriate thoughts reported by non-clinical subjects - ie. people who had these thoughts but didn't worry about them. They included all the classics like inappropriate sexual thoughts and thoughts of violence to oneself and others.

All very normal for everyone, she said. Difference is we obsessive thinkers - who are incidentally usually often highly sensitive, inteligent and overly emphatic people - stop to question 'why did i think that?' 'what does that say about me?' and the next thing you know we can't get it out of our minds. It goes on loop tape.

The other thing that helps me is that the patterns of obsessive thoughts come and go. When I'm having a bad spell of obsessive thinking I think about what's causing it - examples have been the stress of moving out of home for the first time with a flamboyant girlfriend, moving to the UK and exam stress. I can still have bad thoughts occur when I'm perfectly happy and content, too. But they don't stay with me as long.

The thought 'what if nothing works?' is a horrible idea that's probably entered the OCD thinking cycle. It sounds like you're going through a really hard patch of OCD and are utterly fed up with it. Are there any lifestyle factors - stressful or unhappy situations - that could be particularly feeding your OCD monster at the moment?

L x

<div align="right">Originally posted by Louisey - 30 June 2006 : 09:19:13</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Well about 3 months ago I stopped taking my meds.. and I don't exactly have a life. I just started 'trying' to get better after I went off the meds, before that I was just tired and lethargic all the time and not motivated to do anything and the thoughts weren't half as bad then.