View Full Version : worried yet again, when will this go away

01-04-12, 00:34
i have been ok, well coping really... tonight i watched tv was fine and then all of a sudden get a feeling rising in my chest over my head and feel like im going to pass out since that feeling im edgy jumpy and so scared its something serious... how do we know this feeling is just anxiety like the doctors say and not something serious.. know im being silly but im freaked out im going to die x

01-04-12, 00:44
That has happened to me before ... Many times actually. The only way I can try and trust the doctors is that I've never passed out from it before, but I know that doesn't help the panic that arises when it is happening. I've has anxiety for over 3 years now and the sensations can feel so terrifying! I try and tell myself they are just sensations and since I've already been checked out by a doctor (I assume u have too) that it's the adrenaline in our systems that is creating the disturbing feelings in our bodies. I hope you're feeling a little bit better! Xx

01-04-12, 00:51
Hey Katie

When the body has undergone periods of prolonged mental stress and worry, it becomes physical. Once this stage begins it will last for as long as you continue to be afraid of it....you have tired your adrenal glands and started a bodily reaction that has created a memory pattern in your brain. So until your body receives alot of time where it can recover and heal these responses you will continue to experience these issues.
For some people who are afraid of every little function and twinge in their body, it can go on forever.
I find it very helpful during recovery to take good doses of vitamin B and a fairly high dose of a good magnesium supplement. These minerals will help your adrenal function to settle and they also nourish all the other organs you have put in hypo mode. This will make it easier for you to then mentally get on top and reduce the amount of episodes you are having.
Or if you're like me, you will just get by for years and end up resorting to medication because unfortunately there will always be some sort of issue that comes up in your life and unless you have the mind power to let it roll off your back, you will probably continue to worry and stress and cause your body to always be on high alert.

The feelings you are having are not harmful. They certainly want to get your attention but that's as far as they will go. Let them be there, it was you who created them.....tell the feelings that you were expecting them to show up due to whatever the circumstances....maybe you're tired, haven't eaten well or had enough water etc..they can go on in the background and you can continue to do what you are doing. Eventually the feelings will subside if you take that attitude.

Kel x