View Full Version : only very very small...

oh no_1
01-04-12, 09:54
i went in the quiz last night and stayed for the whole of it..... only seems like nothing but i guess although i was rubbish i did it, after been on here a year and half i did it.

started a depression group last week and didnt manage to stay for it all, was hard enough turning up, but going to try again this wednesday and try and stay for whole two hours.

01-04-12, 10:13
Jem I am sure that you werent rubbish, although that is not the point of the quiz anyway.

Its brilliant that you managed to go in, it gets easier.

Well done on going to the depression group as well.

Baby steps Jem, thats the way to do it.

tc Elen

Veronica H
01-04-12, 12:16
:bighug1::yesyes: well done.


01-04-12, 14:12
Well done :yesyes: great start....keep up the good work!!

oh no_1
01-04-12, 15:10
im scared i wont be able to stay the whole session again and eve nmore scared bout turning up to this one because of the thing that i did feel i had to walk out and get out of there

01-04-12, 15:55
Try not fearing it? You can only do what you can do. Remember its just like learning to ride a bike, the more you get on that bike the easier it gets to stay on. The more you go to your sessions the easier it will be for you to stay longer and start to enjoy it more and more. Well done so far and i know you will get more determined to crack it.

Darren :)

oh no_1
04-04-12, 08:22
the next one is today... hope this snow stops though as it a 50 min to get there....

04-04-12, 09:00
Good luck hun. Small steps is all you need. Don't beat yourself up for the things you didn't do. Congratulate yourself for the things you did achieve. X

oh no_1
04-04-12, 09:09
i really want to stay for the whole thing... but panicking i wont after the state i got myself in last week and had to leave

04-04-12, 09:54
Don't dwell on last week hun. Just see how you go today. X