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View Full Version : Was doing so well :(

01-04-12, 10:30
Seems this year is going to be a bad one, last year my health anxiety was bad and this year it seems someone keeps sending me things to worry about.

My dads diagnosis- devestating
My mum awaiting diagnosis- scary

So how how is it in the midst of all this I find myself fearing the worst about my breast pain.

Period just been so can't blame that anymore but these weird pains and twinges in both breasts carry on, aching too around my arms and shoulders.

I feel a trip to the doctors needed but having trouble dealing with what's going on as it is let alone the anxietys of my own personal issues.

A thread on the Macmillan site titled "pain and no lump before diagnosis" plus being urged by a member to seek proffesional advice about my pains as they are what she had have just reinforced my already worried mind to go into panic :(.

01-04-12, 11:04
I had loads of breast pain a few years ago,when my periods were extremely heavy.....it turned out i had a hormone imbalance (not producing progesterone) I actually imagined the worse possible scenario and got myself into such a state
since taking the mini pill Cerazette,i have had no periods (heaven) and no pain whatsoever.
I couldnt even wear a bra before,it was so painful
its hard to not think the worst,especially with your parents diagnosis
but ive learnt that worrying gets you nowhere.....get tests done and put your mind at rest xxx