View Full Version : Totally fed up with this!!

01-04-12, 11:05
Got up yesterday morning with pins and needles in my left arm, and I've now had it for 2 days!
I went to the supermarket yesterday and had a weird dizzy spell and thought I was going to pass out, I had my 4 year old daughter with me, so I panicked and approached a lady for help. It turned out that she suffered panic attacks and totally understood where I was coming from. She helped me enormously and I left to get on with my shopping!

I couldn't do it though and I just had to get out.
Bought a bottle of vodka and went home.
I felt so much better with a drink inside me, but I've woke up this morning with the same pins and needles and an overwhelming feeling of anxiety. I keep thinking I've got some sort of illness, and I feel really angry with myself and I cant stop crying!
I'm off to my mum and dads for lunch and I have a friend coming over to stay for a few days, so I'm sure i'll be kept busy, but this dread WILL NOT go away!!

Worst part is, I have to go shopping as I have no food, and I'm petrified i'll start really panicking and make a fool of myself!

I'm so fed up with all this, instead of it getting better, it seems to be getting worse.
Its really getting me down and I cant see light at the end of the tunnel!
Please advise???


01-04-12, 11:24
if its any consolation, I also get pins and needles and am very anxious when I wake up. Its not nice and have to motivate myself to get up and do something to distract myself. I'm even anxious now writing this but have to take deap breaths to relax. I just start meds this week and hopefully in a few weeks they'll kick in. Are you taking anything?

01-04-12, 11:59
Hi Jellybean,

I had pins and needles and pain in my left arm when my anxiety/panic was bad, it's horrible but try not to focus on it(easier said than done).

I had a panic attack in B&Q the other week it was totally out of the blue and I felt like running for the door but managed to get what I needed quick and get out of there.

I'm on Citalopram into my third week now and it seems to be slowly but surely calming me down. I've never had any medication so its new to me but side effects haven't been too good will be glad when my body adjusts and they start working.

Keeping yourself busy is a good idea as if your occupied your not thinking about it so carry on with that if you can. I haven't had a drink for 8 weeks now as was finding it was a quick fix but the next day I felt worse I'm not gonna suggest you don't drink but I found it has helped me not to since stopping as it is a depressant.

Hope you feel better soon.

01-04-12, 12:20
Hi Cisco and Mick.

I've been on citalopram for nearly 2 yrs, started off on 20mg and now i'm on 10mg!! I'm thinking maybe my dosage needs to go higher again?
I made it round Tescos, but panicked the whole way round and now i've got pins and needles on my face!!!
Its a bloody nightmare!

I dont think the Vodka helped much (only at the time) so as of today, I think i'll knock the alcohol on the head....

Thanks for your advice guys
Vanessa x

01-04-12, 13:03
Hiya Vanessa,

Glad you made it out shopping give yourself a pat on the back for having the courage to do it as its not easy. We're you any better when you where on 20mg? If so I would ask the doc to put it back up an see how you get on.

Have a go at avoiding the booze for a week and see how you get on it might help you out so give it a shot (not a shot I vodka mind, pardon the pun). Hope you feel better soon and message me anytime if you need any advice or just a chat. Take care.
