View Full Version : Fluoxetine?

01-04-12, 13:11
I have always been adamant that I do not want to try medication to treat my anxiety, but after 4 years suffering I'm at the point where I'm willing to try anything in a desperate bid to get my life sorted. I went to the docs a week or so ago and was prescribed with fluoxetine (aswell as being reffered back to CBT) and now I'm sitting with the box and I don't know what to do! I don't know if I should take them or not, I'm afraid of any side effects or them making my personality change - can anyone offer some advice? I'm 19 next week & my doctor wasn't that happy about giving me these tablets at my age which puts me off quite abit too. Has anyone had any experience with these tablets? Do they work? Did you get side effects? Anything anyone can tell me would really help, thank you!

01-04-12, 13:53
My doctor was hesitant with putting me on flux too because of my age.. I'm on day 11 now though and am glad I went through with taking it.
It has helped my anxiety and depression, but as with ADs and well any problems in life.. it will get worse before it gets better, but it will get better!
I got a few side effects (nausea, drowsiness/inability to sleeps, anxiety, depression and dry mouth), they didn't last for too long but everyone's different.
I Will say this though, the flux (or any meds) won't completely banish the problem.. but they could help you to help yourself.
You can fight this, it may take time but whatever you decide to do, I Wish you the best of luck!

Bambi x

01-04-12, 13:57
Hi Annie,

I think one of the main reasons GPs don't like prescribing anti-depressants to younger people is that they are more susceptible to suicidal thoughts during the first few weeks - you'll no doubt have read this in the information leaflet.

Remember though that this is a minority but if you do feel like this, you're not alone and talk to someone about it.

Take care

Pip x