View Full Version : Hi! I guess I'm a sufferer of anxiety.....

01-04-12, 14:27
Hi to all,
I'm Jamie and I believe I suffer anxiety attacks so have come to this amazing site to seek advice/help and maybe make some friends along the way =)
Okay, where to begin.....The last year or so I have found myself retracting back into a shell. I do not like to see people, I cannot socialise anymore, and every now and again (mostly at night) I feel as though death is knocking on my door which I believe to be a panic/anxiety attack sometimes lasting 12 or so hours...? Suffice to say I am at my wits end!!!
Im figuring I am suffering from depression also.....although I am no doctor, so can't quite pinpoint it ha!
I believe I am having these bouts/attacks from some events that have taken place in my life.
My sister died in a car crash a while ago......she had a tyre blow out and hit a tree - died almost instantly.
I believe this led me to not being hold down a relationship, due to the fact that losing somebody you love very much can be simply snatched away from you so very cruely.
When I finally decide I am ready to love again, my girlfriend, whilst driving, has a tyre blow out. Hits a tree......breaks literally every bone in her body and has severe brain damage (was in a coma for a month). The last year and a half I have stayed by her by her side aiding her with rehab - she is still in a rehab centre now.

Since this crash however, these attacks have started.

I have seen a doctor - she said; "depression, here are some citalopram!" Which I took for two weeks......then stopped - thinking I could deal with this myself. Evidently not.
So the question is.....? Should I go back on them...? Do they work???

Also, I spent ten years in the forces. Went to some very nasty places and have witnessed some heinous crimes of war..... My doctor also said this could be Post Traumatic Stress Disorder that has contributed to these so called attacks....I'm not so sure.
So yea, I guess the questions are:
Can I beat this myself?
Should I see a doctor?
Should I go on drugs?

Thanks for reading


01-04-12, 14:29
Hi JamieFlipFlop

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

01-04-12, 14:51
Hi Jamie

With respect to you questions, the answers are yes, yes but I guess you already have and I'm afraid I can't advise on the third one.

There is lots of self help you can do too. Realising you are I'll and joining this site are good start.

Good luck


01-04-12, 15:13
Welcome Jamie :)
Wow....thats such a lot to have to deal with....I hope you find the answers to your questions and I am sorry that you are having such a difficult time. It's all very complex...have you seen a psychiatrist or some other therapist to talk over your issues? I do hope you find some solace and maybe get something from being here in this amazing community. Good luck in your journey.
Kitti :)