View Full Version : Do you ever feel like you have tried everything and getting knowhere

01-04-12, 16:39
That's how I feel.
I've tried it all and I continue to feel worse and worse. I can't even think where to go from here.
I know the only thing that gets me through the days is thinking "one day I could be better and not have to go through all these physical symptoms and not have to get anxious about these things" but based on experience and how nothing has ever worked or even helped at all I know deep down that that's just something I tell myself to get through and that I know deep down it's more than likely not going to happen. Why would it? What's going to change? I'm a strong person, I try to make myself do all this stuff to fight my anxiety, I can't do any more than I already am, if it isn't going now it won't ever go because as time goes on I get more mentally and physically weaker.
I get scared that this is it forever and I know I tell people all the time "it will get better" I don't think (when they're as bad as me) that that is anything more than just me saying it to make them feel momentarily better and that I don't believe they actually will.

01-04-12, 18:23
I know how you feel, every relapse I have I sink further into hopelessness. If its just going to come back worse every time, what hope in hell do I have further down the line? Its so hard to actually work to getting better when you are completely exhausted all the time from feeling anxious and depressed.

01-04-12, 19:52
I know how you feel too. I have just been saying the same thing on my thread.... will it ever end... and I just don't think it will. I think that its part of who I am and that I'll never be completely rid of it... I may have good days,,, even weeks...but its there....waiting to come back and pull the rug out from underneath me. I feel tired all the time too and I too am a strong person, but yes I agree, sometimes enough is enough and you can't pretend anymore. I just will be like this forever!

02-04-12, 08:58
I do feel like that from time to time. But I also know that inbetween attacks I do feel better and able to feel ans behave normally. I have had anxiety on and off for 15 years now and perseverence is part of the key. If you can't be positive about your situation be positive about yourself and give yourself a little TLC and give yourself credit for trying to work through it all. X

02-04-12, 12:17
I used to have times where I felt "normal" where I could look at things rationally and begin to enjoy myself but I don't even get those any more =/ I constantly have something, headache, tingling, can't breathe, can't swallow, twitchy crampy legs, yoou name it I get it! D= x