View Full Version : health anxiety my journey and looking for new friends

01-04-12, 17:00
hello everyone my name is dave i am a 29 year old male from the north east of england well where do i start i have suffered from general health anxiety and depression for many years i always remember having a fear of my parents dying and how i would cope etc etc well my mam did die 3 years ago and although i was anxious before that it certainly did not help i have been able too sort of keep it under wraps at least a little bit untill around 4 weeks ago since then there has been 14 trips too a and e 3 doctors visits a cardiologist visit ecg tests blood tests x rays an even a echocardiogram for good measure everyone was pleased with my results and said i had anxiety i am now under a mental health team and have been prescribed sertraline and mirtazapine only been taking the sertraline for 11 days and the mirt for 2 days the mirt seems too be working better although i do get a bit breathy but too be honest im usually a bit breathy caused by panicking my heart is going too pack in etc etc first night i took 7.5 mirt then 15 last night and gonna try 30mg tonight and maybe tommorow knock the sertraline on the head see how i feel tommorow but was just wondering if theres anyone else out there suffered how i have and have had decent experiences with mirt?

01-04-12, 18:21
hiya , i havent had the same meds as u but i can relate . HA is awful ,ive had it since i can remember (im 32 now) also have general anxiety and depression . think my dr is sick of me an i too have had many a&e visits over the yrs :ohmy: ive had a 6wk cbt course ,6wks of councelling an currently having another 4wks of anxiety councelling but still i feel the same grrrrr

02-04-12, 10:21
its a bloody nightmare is'nt it im coming off the mirt as i woke up feeling really sick once or twice sorry too hear your not getting any better keep trying though i do believe there is an answer out there for all of us just gotta stick with it

---------- Post added at 09:21 ---------- Previous post was at 07:48 ----------

actually decided too stick with the mirt as i did sleep well apart from waking up that once and maybe its just a side affect that will ware off because apart from that they were quite good

03-04-12, 10:03
i seem to be getting worse the older im getting , i did have a really rough ride last year medically with 2 ectopic pregnancys which resulted in hospital stays an operations since that i swear my HA has spiraled out of control :mad: i need to take some sorta meds for my anxiety and depression but im undergoing ivf at the moment so i cant take any