View Full Version : Will this ever go away?

01-04-12, 18:05
I dont think I can cope much longer. I have a first appointment for cbt on 11 april. At the moment I am rock bottom again. I have started constantly checking my mouth and have a white mark at the back of my tongue on the side of it that I am obsessing about.

I have just gone to pieces. Been googling pictures of oral cancer and of course I feel worse. Also read that its hereditary. My uncle has it.

Will I ever be free from his? Are there any success stories out there? I cant live the rest of my life like this. I am only 35.

01-04-12, 18:27

Sorry to hear you are feeling so low. I say this every time so I'm going to say it again- Stop googling symptoms! I know it's easier said than done but it will really frighten you and make matters a 1000% worse. Sorry if that sounds a bit harse but I was doing the same and it did me no good whatsoever.

Glad to hear you are starting CBT it should help you out and are you taking any medication? I am on Citalopram and it's definitely taking the edge off of the anxiety.

Book yourself in at the GP or dentist to have a look at your mouth I'm sure it's nothing but they might be able to put your mind at rest.

Hope you feel better soon it's a horrible situation to be in health anxiety sucks.

Take care.

01-04-12, 18:43
Hi there, I was prescribed Citalopram a while back but haven't taken it. I took Fluoxetine previously and it made me a million times worse and this has frightened me about taking medication.

I daren't go to the dentist at the moment. This is all part of my fear. I hate the dentist since I started with this obsession with my mouth. This has been for over a year now and I just hate going. I will make myself go eventually but I am just scared of what they will tell me.

I just can't cope at the moment. Some days I can but mostly I can't.

01-04-12, 19:17

I was on fluoxetine for a month and it made me really bad so I switched to Citalopram and have been fine on this upto now- touch wood! It's trial and error with the meds but give citalopram a try as it might be the most suited to you and if not at least you tried and can move onto something else. Dont let your bad experience with one drug put you off trying another. I was a total wreck on fluoxetine but know people who are fine on it and sing it's praises so guess everyone is different.

You might need to rev yourself up to take the citalopram but give it a go as it is really helping me slowly but surely, the side effects aren't too great but they are subsiding I'm into week 3 now and still have a few but not as bad as at the beginning you've just got to battle through them and know they will go eventually.

It's a horrible situation you are in but know you are not alone lots of people are in the same boat and I've found some great people on this site who I keep in touch with regularly for support and advice. Tell yourself you can cope its hard but you can get through this, 8 weeks ago I was a wreck but slowly getting there. Message me if you need any help I hope you get better soon.

Take care.

02-04-12, 07:05
Thanks Mick