View Full Version : Ok, This is how it's going to be...

01-04-12, 18:24
...tonight I WILL go to bed at a reasonable time and I WILL sleep at least 6/7 hours.

Tomorrow I WILL wake up feeling better and I WILL remain that way all day.

My own head WILL be on my shoulders and the one that has been there for the last 3 weeks WILL be told to...Go Do One!!

My legs WILL NOT go disco dancing by themselves after taking my medication.

I am now in CHARGE Citropram, and if you don't like it I will give you 2 weeks notice and along with that darn head you can Go Do One too!!

There I feel better already:)

Trish x

01-04-12, 18:28
Yay :yahoo:
You may be onto something with the sleeping thing, I've noticed a massive difference in how I feel when I get the right amount of sleep, last week I made myself go to bed every night at 11pm (usually its 1-2am) and I was feeling so much better and almost on a high compared to how I normally feel! Yesterday I woke up with a bad migraine and I'd had 9 hours and today I just felt tired after only 6 (with nightmares waking me every hour), so its important to find the right amount for you.

01-04-12, 18:37
That's the spirit Trish you tell it, You will get better as you have the fight within you so carry on. Upwards and onwards and all that. Speak soon. :-).

01-04-12, 19:46
It would help it I could spell the darn med:D Of course I mean citalopram doh!